

英语点津2015-05-26 14:13

  Fighting Together Against the Devils, a ridiculous anti-Japan playhas been pulled off the air by the country's top film, TV andradio watchdog, as it shows a female character hiding a grenadein her pants while visiting her husband in a jail guarded byJapanese soldiers.


  除了“手撕鬼子”(tear a Japanese solider apart using bare hands)、“手榴弹炸飞机”(throw a grenade into the air to down a Japanese airplane),某些神剧还滥加“荤腥”(sexual innuendo),出现“裤裆藏雷”这样的大尺度奇葩场景。更有甚者,惊现“我爷爷9岁就被日本人打死了”(my grandpa was killed by the Japanese at the age of 9)这样的雷人台词。

  尽管国家广电总局(the State Administration of Press and Publication, Radio, Film andTelevision)一再表示要整顿此类剧目,但仍有不少电视剧制作者不顾历史,不顾常识,一味博取眼球(indulge in cheap gimmicks)、追求收视率(pursue higher ratings),使得“抗日雷剧”(ridiculous anti-Japan plays)层出不穷。

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