英语点津2015-07-01 10:16
Return trip effect refers to the illusion that the return triptakes less time than the initial trip, even when the distance andactual time of both trips are the same.
What causes this so-called “return trip effect”? You might guessthat it has something to do with knowing the route — on theway back, you see landmarks that help you better gauge when you’re close to your destination.Well, you’d be wrong! According to a study, the return trip effect is seen even when people takedifferent routes on the outward and return trips.
A team in Japan released a new report in the journal PLOS ONE detailing the latest effort to solvethe mystery. This group’s take? That the return trip effect is created by travelers’ memories oftheir journeys — and those memories alone.
日本一个研究小组最近在PLOS ONE期刊上发表的研究报告为我们解开了这个谜团。他们给出的解释是,“返程效应”是由出行者对旅程的记忆导致的,而且这是该效应产生的唯一原因。
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