
《生活大爆炸》第八季过广电审核 苦等良久终回来!

21英语2015-07-13 14:50

  漫长的等待让你胡子都长出来了?好消息现在来也不晚!近日,《生活大爆炸》("The Big Bang Theory")第八季通过了广电局审核,成为第一个拿到播放许可证的美剧。





  American sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” has become the first foreign TV show to be grantedpermission to stream on Chinese websites after the country's movie and television watchdogrequired all foreign TV shows to pass through a review.

  The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) will allow theeighth season of the hit U.S. sitcom on the video website, tv.sohu.com, on July 22, tv.souhu.comtold the Global Times on Thursday (July 9).

  SARFT removed “The Big Bang Theory” and three other U.S. TV shows from video websites in April2014 when it accumulated more than 1.3 billion views.

  SARFT said some of the four TV shows failed to get its approval and violated regulations on havingcontent which hurt the nation's honor and interests, and encourage teenagers to break laws andspread violence, eroticism, gambling and terrorism.

  In September 2014, SARFT issued a regulation requiring all foreign-produced TV shows to bereviewed before being allowed online in the Chinese mainland.

  Some said the review process may take months for each show.

  There were mixed reactions on Chinese cyberspace. Some netizens said they were eager to watchthe show, while others felt too many changes will be made to the original content.

  All video streaming websites are required to have overseas movies and TV shows they plan to hostregistered in May and content not registered will be removed from online platforms.

  【Key Points】

  广电局的“限外令”曾引发广大网友热议。Watchdog在这里表示的是监督机构、监察部门的意思,而广电局的全称是State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.

  例:More than 100 products were blacklisted by China's environmental watchdog last week.


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