《大圣归来》票房过亿 论国产动画的逆袭
21英语2015-07-16 10:57
那么,观众就会问了,大圣形象究竟哪家强?前有六小龄童的“孙行者”,后有周星驰的“至尊宝”, 还有各种各样的动画角色,想再有突破确实不易。
Just three days after hitting the screen across China, the Chinese animation film "MonkeyKing:Hero is Back" evoked enthusiasm among audience and ticket sales have exceeded 100 millionyuan.
Web celebrities and many fans even posted topics about the film on weibo, at which heateddiscussion is sparked.
"Monkey King: Hero is Back" is based on the household legend of the Monkey King, but tells a not-so familiar story. However, it's still a Chinese style heroic legend and an exciting adventure againstevil and darkness in troubled times, according to Lu Wei, the producer.
"Monkey King is China's super hero. It is so popular among Chinese audience because they longforand cherish our own superhero," said Tian Xiaopeng, the director.
The film took eight years to make and cost more than $ 10 million (about 62 million yuan), Lu said.
Earlier, the film achieved record-high overseas sales of a Chinese animation film with 13 millionyuan in Cannes, France. It is also the only animation film nominated for Movie Channel MediaAwards category at the 2015 Shanghai Film Festival since its inception 12 years ago.
【Key Points】
作为国产动画电影,《大圣归来》票房大卖,不仅印证了电影本身的水平,也反映出观众的态度。电影的票房收入通常是指每部电影放映期间累计之总收入(gross),英文可以用box office来表示。
“卖座的电影”可用box office hit来形容,而box office flop和box office bomb表示的是“票房毒药”。
After the awards, Zhao Wei expressed her delight about turning from a “box office flop” into abankable star.
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