新东方网整理2015-08-12 11:53
Let me start by noticing what is both obvious and curious:We are here today together. We are here in association. It is an association of many people, and many generations. We celebrate a connection across time in these festival rites, singing our alma mater,adorning ourselves in medieval robes to mark the deep-rooted traditions of Harvard,and of universities more generally. Even in the age of the online and the virtual, an institution has brought us together, and brings us back.
Dozens of generations have come and gone since then, and the University’s footprint has expanded considerably beyond a small cluster of wooden buildings. But we have never lost faith in the capacity of each generation to build a better society than the one it was born into. We have never lost faith in the capacity of this College to help make that possible. As an early founder, Thomas Shepard put it, we hope to graduate into the world people whoare, in his words, “enlarged toward the country and the good of it.”
自此以后,一代代人来了又去,哈佛的校园也不断扩大,不再局限于当年的几间小木楼。但没有变的是,每一代人都充满信心,想要建立更好的社会,每一代人也都相信,这所大学将使这种愿望成为可能。正如一位早期创始人ThomasShepard 所说,我们希望毕业生走向世界之后,能够成长为对国家有益之人。
Yet now, nearly four centuries later, we find ourselves in a challenging historical moment. How do we “enlarge” our graduates in a way that benefits others as well? Shepard spoke of enlarging “toward” – toward, as he put it, “the country and the good of it.” Are we succeeding in educating students oriented toward the betterment of others? Or have we all become so caught up in individual and personal achievements, opportunities, and appearances that we risk forgetting our interdependence, our responsibilities to one another and to the institutions meant to promote the common good?
This is the era of the selfie – and the selfie stick. Nowdon’t get me wrong: There is much to love about selfies, and two years ago in my Baccalaureate address I concluded by urging the graduates to send such pictures along so we could keep up with them and their post-Harvard lives. But think for a moment about the implications of a society that goes through life taking its own picture. That seems to me a quite literal embodiment of “self-regarding” – a term not often used as a compliment.
In fact, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary offers “egocentric,”“narcissistic,” and “selfish” as synonyms. We direct endless attention to ourselves, our image, our “Likes,” just as we are encouraged – and in fact encourage our students – to burnish resumes and fill first college and then job or graduate school applications with endless lists of achievements – with examples, to borrow Shepard’s language, of constant enlargements of self.
As one social commentator has observed,we are ceaselessly at work building our own brands. We spend time looking at screens instead of one another. Large portions of our lives are hardly experienced: They are curated, shared, Snapchatted and Instagrammed – rendered as a kind of compositeselfie.