人人美剧2015-08-18 09:52
Another movie may find its way to the small screen next year.
Days after CBS opted to develop the Denzel Washington movieTraining Day into a potential series, NBC is looking to make a comedic series out of the Red franchise that starred Bruce Willis, Mary Louise-Parker, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich.
就在前几日CBS宣布准备将丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)主演的经典电影《训练日》改编为电视剧集后,NBC也准备将由布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis),玛丽·路易斯-帕克(Mary Louise-Parker), 海伦·米伦(Helen Mirren)和约翰·马尔科维奇(John Malkovich)曾主演的喜剧动作电影《赤焰战场》系列搬上电视荧幕。
The same scribes who wrote the 2010 film and the 2013 sequel – Jon Hoeber and Erich Hoeber – will handle the adaptation, which was inspired by the limited comic book series of the same name.
曾担任原电影系列编剧的乔恩·霍博(Jon Hoeber)和埃里克·霍博(Erich Hoeber)将再次为电视剧集担任编剧,此次电视剧集灵感来源于其同名漫画。
The movie’s title stood for “retired and extremely dangerous.” Willis played a former CIA agent who tracks down his old associates in an effort to find out who’s trying to kill him.
Deadline says the TV version will zero in on the retirees and their attempt to adapt to regular life as they continue to battle with old foes.
If anything, this could (finally) mean a 50-plus cast in primetime. How ‘bout starting with William Petersen, NBC?
总之,这意味一位50岁的大爷将在电视上大展拳脚,英勇抗敌,要不找威廉姆·皮特森(William Petersen)来饰演主角怎么样,NBC你觉得呢?
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