沪江2015-09-01 10:42
Shohreh Aghdashloo将会客串《基本演绎法》。
TVLine reports that the 24 alum will guest-star on an upcoming episode of CBS' Sherlock Holmes drama as Donya Esfandiari, an international hotelier who's negotiating with Sherlock's father, Morland (John Noble), a consultant. Her character will be introduced in Episode 3, according to TVLine.
TVLine报道,《24小时》女演员将会客串CBS的神探夏洛克美剧扮演Donya Esfandiari。一名国际酒店的老板,并与洛克的老爹Morland展开谈判。这个角色会在第四季的第三集出现。
Noble is joining the show as a series regular for this season.
Aghdashloo has also appeared on Grimm and stars on Syfy's upcoming series The Expanse.
Aghdashloo现在也在《格林》和Syfy即将开播美剧《The Expanse》中有演出。
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