

人人美剧2015-09-01 11:54

  CBS is putting the residents of Chester’s Mill out of their misery.


  The network has decided to end its summer thriller Under the Domenext month— which is still two years after the show was originally expected to conclude.


  CBS has officially decided to not order a fourth season of the series, which is based on the Stephen King bestseller about a Maine town suddenly trapped under a mysterious force field.


  Instead, the Sept. 10 finale will serve as a series ender.


  “Two years ago, Under the Dome broke new ground in the summer and became an instant hit on CBS, as well as with viewers around the world,” said Nina Tassler, chairman, CBS Entertainment. “Dome’s event storytelling and multi-platform business model paved the way for more original summer programming with the successful rollouts ofExtant and Zoo. We’re excited to present the final chapter in Chester’s Mill as the story comes full circle, with the Dome coming down as dramatically as it went up.”

  CBS娱乐公司的主席Nina Tassler说:“两年前,《穹顶之下》的开播在夏日成为了大火的剧集,世界各地的观众们也不断增加,该剧的多故事线叙述以及其多平台的商业卖点为更多的原创夏日剧集标榜了一个很好的楷模,当初《传世》与《困兽》的开播便受之影响取得成功。我们很激动能为大家呈现关于切斯特磨坊镇命运的最后一章,绝对会让观众们大吃一惊。”

  The verdicts are not yet in on the other two CBS summer shows Tassler mentioned — the sophomore drama Extant and freshman drama Zoo. Just looking at the ratings, one would have expectedDome to outlive Extant. But given Tassler’s quote above, and the decision to cap off Dome, the odds for the two remaining shows just went up (especially for Zoo).

  CBS还未决定《传世》与《困兽》这两部夏日剧接下来的命运 。看看收视率就知道,原本还期待《穹顶之下》能比《传世》活得更久,但再看看《穹顶之下》被取消的消息,就知道剩下的《传世》与《困兽》(特别是《困兽》)被续订的机会也就变大了。

  Dome was originally conceived as a limited series, then producers had to figure out how to keep the story going when CBS decided to order another round. So for producers to have kept Dome alive for three years is indeed an accomplishment.


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