中国驻美国大使馆官网2015-11-04 15:36
On October 27, 2015, Ambassador Cui Tiankai had an interviewwith Ms. Christiane Amanpour, host of CNN'S AMANPOUR on anU.S. warship's entry into waters near relevant islands and reefsof China's Nansha Islands.
The following is the full transcript of the interview:
AMANPOUR: Can I ask you, the United States, the State Department has said thatwhatever is happening right now in the South China Sea should not jeopardize thehealthy relationship between Beijing and the United States. Do you agree that this willnot jeopardize the relationship?
CUI: Well, first of all, I think that what the U.S. is doing is a very serious provocation,politically and militarily. It is a clear attempt to escalate the situation and tomilitarize the region. So we are very concerned about that. I think that other people, allof the people who want to maintain stability there have good reason to be concerned.And I do hope that we will work together to maintain this relationship, to keep thisrelationship healthy and moving forward.
AMANPOUR: Ambassador, there's obviously been a -- I hate to say it but a war of wordsbetween both capitals in the last 24 hours. The U.S. Defense Secretary says that they willcontinue to fly and sail and do whatever they want in that region, because it isinternational waters and they are supported by all their allies; whereas, from Beijing, theforeign ministry has said, and I quote, that "if the U.S. continues to create tensions," thenBeijing might conclude it has to increase and strengthen the building up of our relevantabilities. What does that mean?
CUI: Well, it is a very absurd and even hypocritical position to ask others not tomilitarize the region while oneself is sending military vessels there so frequently. So Ithink the people do have to think about it in a very serious way and we have to thinkabout it. We have to make sure that we have sufficient means to safeguard oursovereignty there, to protect our lawful rights there and we have sufficient means tomaintain peace and stability there. And nobody would have any more illusion that theycould continue to provoke.
AMANPOUR: But what precisely do you think that means, sir, if the United States saysthat it is going to continue to do what it has, it claims the right under international law todo?
CUI: I think that this is done in total disregard of international law. If we look at theconvention of the law of the sea -- and, by the way, the United States is not yet a party tothat Convention. But if we are looking at the provisions of the Convention, there are very,very clear provisions about safety of navigation, freedom of navigation or innocenttransit. What the U.S. is doing is totally against the provisions, the letter and spirit of theConvention.
AMANPOUR: Ambassador, the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea that you mentionbasically says that 12 nautical mile limits cannot be set around man-made islands whichare built on previously submerged reefs, which is, in fact, what China has done, built upreefs and called them islands and claimed them as territory. You know, is there not a waythat there can be some political resolution of this with the United States and with alliesaround that region?
CUI: We have longstanding sovereignty over the islands in the region and the waterssurrounding them. It is not something based on any so-called man-made facilities thereor feature there.
AMANPOUR: Except for that they are submerged reefs and certainly Admiral Blair,Dennis Blair told us that you can't really form policy today based on very old andoutdated maps of many, many years ago. And he also said that China seems to beisolating itself, given that all the regional countries are also supporting the United States,because they, too, have territorial and maritime disputes with you and they want to seethese waters kept open.
CUI: Well,you can not say that because people have a longstanding position onsomething, positions that originated many, many years ago can no longer be validtoday. You cannot say things like that. Of course, if we go back many, many yearsago, there was no United States.
AMANPOUR: Ambassador Cui, but there is a United States now and it is a superpowerand the president of China just visited Washington and there seemed to be a fairly warmenvironment. The fact that this is happening so quickly after that visit, what does it sayabout the relationship? And what do you think is going to happen next? What, in yourmind, in Beijing's mind, is the solution to what's happening?
CUI: I think that you have just asked a very good question and I hope the White Housewill give you the answer. We are also puzzled. We are very concerned about this latestdevelopment. But whatever is happening now, will not change our position on thesovereignty in the region, will not weaken our determination to safeguard oursovereignty, will not weaken our commitment to seek a peaceful solution to the disputeswith the countries concerned, and certainly will not weaken our position and commitmentto developing a healthy and strong relationship with the United States but we see it astwo-way traffic. We have to have a reciprocal action from the United States.
AMANPOUR: Well, President Xi last month told President Obama that China is notmilitarizing the islands but the United States says that its surveillance shows that there isartillery there.So how can you prove that this is just peaceful?
CUI: Well, I think that the fact is so clear. Who is sending military vessels there? Who issending the military planes there? It's not us. It's the United States.
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