
圣诞节怎么过:亚洲新潮流 飞到芬兰过圣诞

CNTV2015-12-18 16:26

  圣诞老人村(Santa Claus Village),位于芬兰的拉普兰地区罗瓦涅米(Rovaniemi)以北8公里处的北极圈上,地图上标有66°32' 35" 字样的白色标线就是北极圈的纬度。每年源源不断的游客从世界各地涌向这里,以一睹圣诞老人的风采为快。在圣诞老人村的礼品店里,游客可以买到带有芬兰特点,设计精美的礼品。还可以得到一张跨越北极圈的证书。令人兴奋的还有圣诞老人邮局里各种充满童话色彩的邮票,贺卡和礼品等。寻访圣诞传奇的人当然乐意搜购作为礼物带回家。所有人从此处寄出的信件,也会特别盖上北极圣诞老人邮局的邮戳。



  For Lapland, in Northern Finland, this holiday season is crucial. The number of Russian visitors tothe home of Santa Claus has been declining in recent years, so now the tourist industry is turningits attention to Asia in the hope of attracting new business over the holiday season.

  It's a winter wonderland in the Santa Claus Village, about eight kilometres north of Rovaniemi, thecapital of Lapland in Northern Finland.

  More than 300,000 people, from as far and wide as Australia, China, France, and Ireland, visit thevillage every year to enjoy the snow and get into the festive spirit.

  That's good news for Rovaniemi, a city geared towards winter tourism. This season counts for upto 60 percent of total annual visitors.

  In recent years, an expanding Asian middle class - buoyed by increased disposable income andrelaxed travel restrictions - have been packing their bags, making Europe one of their topdestinations.

  The Association of British Travel Agents represents agents and tour operators that sell 32 millionBritish pounds' worth of holidays and other travel arrangements each year. Spokesperson SeanTipton says China is a growth market for destinations like Finland.

  "If you look at the number of holidays that Europeans take, we've pretty much hit saturationpoint. We have a limited number of people living in Europe, most of us get a lot of leave, sothere's very limited scope for growth in that area. So the really big growth market is definitelyAsia, but in particular the Chinese market. Japan has always been pretty large, but China, thescope there is absolutely immense," Tipton said.

  In Rovaniemi, the sun doesn't rise till around 11am at this time of year, but that's not deterringscores of visitors from touching down at the city's nearby snow-covered airport.

  Around 140 charter flights visit the northerly Finnish city during the festive season; five scheduledflights touch down each day.

  The World Travel and Tourism Council expects 2015 to show 3.5 percent growth in the globaltravel and tourism sector. The city is counting on getting a bigger slice of that.

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