普特英语听力2016-01-21 16:11
dam Sandler Makes Netflix History, Zayn MalikReveals Strained Relationship with One Direction and More in Pop News
Adam Sandler is making history at Netflix with his western parity movie ridiculoussix. The film was universally panned by critics but apparently. Audiences at home areloving it. But Netflix revealing that in the view it's been seen more times in thirtydays than any other movie in this streaming services is street. And at some point it'sbeen the number one movie in every net which territory around the world clearlySandler knows his audience.
Netflix首席产品官表示,Netflix打算抛弃其5星评分系统,将以更好的方法取代之。一个典型的例子就是亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler)的新电影《The RidiculousSix》。Netflix称这部电影在上线之后观看次数比任何其他在该平台上线的电影上升得都要快,但是其星级评分却不是那么好看。
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