新东方网2017-02-16 15:19
Pull your socks up!
年后回到工作岗位,难免有人无精打采,懒懒散散,这个时候,我们可以用一句超接地气的话“Pull your socks up!”来把他们叫醒。Pull your socks up 从字面上看就是拉起你的袜子。
而巧合的是,中文当中有类似的用法,就是卷起袖子!想必你一定猜到了,Pull your socks up! 就是振作起来,打起精神来的意思!
I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter. So I'm telling you guys -- you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff, or you'll be looking for new jobs this summer.
We need to corner the market.
这是一句在外企开会时会听到的一句关于企业战略的句子。"corner"被人们俗知为名词,表示角落,而它的动词含义则表示“垄断”。 corner the market 则表示垄断市场的意思。它有两种比较贴切和权威的英文解释,第一种是:to get sufficient control of a particular stock, commodity, or other asset to allow the price to be manipulated;对某种股票,商品等具有充分控制或具有价格操控权。第二种则是:To have the greatest market share in a particular industry without having a monopoly.在某领域具有最大的市场份额,即垄断。
They saw the great opportunity to corner the market and earned a lot of money.
Sign on the dotted line
dotted line 的本意是虚线的意思。经常签合同的销售人员都知道,在合同和末尾那条虚线上,应该签上自己的名字,合同才算生效。所以口语中, 我们用 sign on the dotted line 表示sign on the contract 的意思,也就是签合同,签约的意思。
Once you sign on the dotted line you are committed to that property.
We need to meet our sales targets.
新的一年,老板也许会给你下放新的指标。meet our sales targets就是指满足销售指标的意思。We need to meet our sales targets. 我似乎听见老板语重心长的给下属打气~~
We need to take our expenses down to meet our sales targets.