

新东方网整理2017-09-25 16:17

   >>『键盘侠』到底算不算侠? 英文如何表达“键盘侠”?


  “internet troll”

  Question: What Is an Internet 'Troll'? How Should I Deal With Trolls?

  Answer: An internet 'troll' is an abusive or obnoxious person who purposely seeks to get a rise out of others, either online or in real life.

  正如大家看到的,英语中的“internet troll”指网络上一些具有虐待倾向的人们总是不断寻找机会求得他人关注。也就是我们俗称的“网络巨魔”或“网络喷子”。

  Some 5.6% of people online can be identified as internet trolls. Scientists have studied a group of 1200 internet users and found that they possess what can be described as dark traits. They have fun disturbing others by being disruptive and argumentative.


  The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:


  1. Serious trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.


  2. Serious trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.


  3. Trolls, in general, consider themselves separate from the social order.


  4. Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.


  5. Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.


  6. Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.


  7. Trolls gain energy when you get angry.


  8. The only way to deal with an online troll is to ignore him or take away his ability to post online.


  这幅漫画,画的是“键盘侠”,我们称之为“keyboard man”:

  A keyboard man or keyboard warrior is someone who tends to be a coward in daily life but expresses and exhibits aggression against others on the internet.


  How Should You Deal With Them?


  1. For a casual or emergent online troll: completely ignore the person's postings. While it is difficult for most users to let a troll have the last word, this tactic successfully takes the wind out of a casual troll's sails.


  2. For repeating troll offenders: report them to the moderators of the system. If enough people report the toll, this will often prompt the moderators to take action.


  3. Have the moderators take away the troll's ability to post online. This will commonly mean that the troll is kicked from the system, or blocked by IP address.




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