

新东方网2018-03-07 16:47朱博

  虽然每个公司的面试流程和风格不尽相同,尤其是在不同行业中,面试问题更是千差万别,不过有一些很常见的问题势必要提前准备好!下面跟大家分享一些Danielle Penny为大家准备的回答技巧,希望可以助你一臂之力,打动面试官。


  常见问题1. Tell me about yourself

  Although a simple question, this is a question that is used to test your ability to think on the spot and prioritize important information. The best way to answer the question is to choose 4 or 5 points, each one giving an overview of your qualifications, relevant employment history, specific skills, and your passion for this particular job. If you are interviewing for your first job, instead of focusing on your employment history and your relevant experience, try to focus on transferrable skills that you may have learned in your degree, or what inspired you to seek that specific career. Since you can definitely expect this question, it's good to think about a few points you would like to mention before you come to the interview, but be careful that it doesn't sound like you've memorized a script! An interview is also about showing off your personality. Tell them what makes you unique for this position.


  on the spot = immediately

  transferable skills = skills that can be used in different jobs

  show off = to try to impress others by talking about your abilities, possessions, etc.

  常见问题2. What are your strengths?

  In this question, you are not only required to tell your interviewer about your strengths, but also to highlight why you are better than any other candidate for the job. Instead of focusing on generic strengths such as "good team player" or "hard-working," try and align your strengths to the qualities that are advertised in the job specification. If one of the skills they are looking for is creativity, give an example of how you have utilized your creativity in a professional environment, and if possible, try and apply this strength to the company that you are applying for.


  generic = having no particularly distinctive quality or application

  align = to change something slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to something else

  specification = a detailed description of how something is, or should be, designed or made

  常见问题3. What are your weaknesses?

  Although this is often perceived as the most difficult and most dreaded of interview questions, in essence the interviewer is just trying to test your self-observation skills. Instead of saying that you "don’t have any weaknesses," pick a weakness (although one that won't hinder your chances of getting the job) and then give a practical example of how you’re addressing it, and the steps that you’re taking in order to improve it. For example, if, like me, public speaking isn’t one of your strong points, state it as a weakness, but then explain to the interviewer how you’ve volunteered to run meetings or give small presentations to your team. Explain how your weakness isn’t something that holds you back professionally, but is something that you are working on and a chance for growth.


  address = to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it

  hold somebody back = to prevent the progress or development of somebody

  常见问题4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  A common interview question that transcends across almost every industry, this question is used to assess your long-term planning goals. While each answer is subjective and will depend upon your own personal aspirations, it's important that you not only highlight your ambition, but reassure your future employer that you’re interested in progressing within the company, and are not just using it as a stop gap until a better job comes along. Let them see how ambitious you are!


  stopgap = something that you use or do for a short time while you are looking for something better

  常见问题5. Why do you want to work here?

  This question is used by hiring managers as a way of distinguishing between employees that just want a job, and employees who really want to work for their particular company. If you have done your research properly, you should be able to tell the hiring manager how you value the company’s ethos and reputation and have a genuine appreciation for their services and products.


  ethos = the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a particular group or society





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