

互联网2019-10-21 16:47

  One common interview question you may be asked is, "How do you handle stress?" You'll need to be prepared to respond because the interviewer doesn't want to hear that you never get stressed. After all, everyone feels stress at one time or another at work. Instead, the employer wants to see if you know how pressure affects you, and how you manage it.


  To answer this question successfully, you will want to provide specific examples of how you have handled stress well in the past.


  You might also provide examples of times when pressure actually made you a more productive employee.


  Tips for Answering Interview Question About Stress


  The best way to answer this question is to give an example of how you have handled stress in a previous job. That way, the interviewer can get clear picture of how well you work in stressful situations.


  Avoid mentioning a time when you put yourself in a needlessly stressful situation. For example, do not share a story about a time when you were stressed because you procrastinated and had to finish a project quickly. Rather, describe a time when you were given a difficult task or multiple assignments, and you rose to the occasion.


  You also should not focus too much on how stressed out you felt. While you should certainly admit that stress happens, emphasize how you dealt with the stress, rather than how it bothered you. If possible, avoid saying you are stressed by a situation that will be common in the job for which you are applying.


  For example, if you say you get stressed when you're given multiple projects, and you know the job will require you to juggle many assignments at once, you'll look unfit for the position.


  You might even consider mentioning how a little stress can be a helpful motivator for you. You can provide an example of a time the stress of a difficult project helped you be a more creative and productive worker.



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