

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-27 14:12


  (W= waitress女服务员 G=Guest)

  W: May I take your order now, sir?

  G: Ur..., I don't know much about Chinese food, can you recommend something?

  W: Certainly. How about Cabbage in Oyster sauce? It's tender and tasty.

  G: Good, I'll take it. What's the Chicken Soup with Corn like?

  W: It's soup with corn and minced chicken. It's sweet and delicious.

  G: Well, I'll take this, too. I'd like to have some fried rice, could you make some recommendations?

  W: How about the Chef's Fried Rice?

  G: How do you make it?

  W: It's fried rice with shrimp, eggs and broccoli.

  G: OK, I'll try that. Thank you.

  W: Anything else, sir?

  G: No, thanks. That's all for now.

  W: Shall I bring you a knife and fork?

  G: No, thanks. The chopsticks will do.


  1. 介绍菜式

  1) Would you like to have table d'hote or a la carte? 您是选择套餐,还是零点呢?

  2) We have both buffer-style and a la carte dishes, which would you prefer?我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种?

  3) We offer special menus for different diets. 我们有特殊食谱,可以满足不同的餐饮需要。

  4) I'm on a diet. 我在节食 。

  5) We have a wide range of vegetarian dishes for you to choose from. 我们有许多素菜可供选择。

  6) What table d'hote do you have?你们有什么套餐?

  7) I'm not familiar with Chinese food, could you recommend something? 我们对中国菜不太熟悉,你能不能给推荐一下?

  8) We serve Cantonese, Sichuan, Shanghai, and Beijing cuisines, which cuisine would you prefer?


  9) Which flavor would you prefer, sweet or chill? 您喜欢哪种口味,是甜的还是辣的?

  10) Generally speaking, Cantonese cuisine is light and clear; Sichuan cuisine is strong and hot; Shanghai cuisine is oily and Beijing cuisine is spicy and a bit salty. 一般来说,粤菜比较清淡,川菜浓烈而辛辣,沪菜比较油,而京菜较香而咸。

  11) Maybe Cantonese cuisine will suit you. 粤菜可能会适合您的口味。

  12) Would you like to try our house specialty? 您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?

  13) It's very popular with our guests. 它非常受欢迎。

  14) It's served by the dozen. 它是按打卖的。

  15) What is today's special? 今天的特价菜是什么?

  16) Today's special is..., with a 40% discount. 今天的特价菜是......,有6折优惠。

  17) How do you cook it? 这道菜是怎么做的?

  18) What is it like? 这是怎样的一道菜?

  19) It's crisp/tasty/tender/clear/strong/spicy/aromatic. 它很酥脆/可口/鲜嫩/清淡/浓烈/辣/香味扑鼻。

  20) It looks good, smells good and tastes good. 这道菜色香味俱全。

  21) It's a well-known delicacy in Chinese cuisine. 它是中国菜的一道有名的佳肴。

  22) You'll love it. 您会喜欢它的。

  23) It's for 4 persons. 这道菜是供4个人用的。

  24) It's out of season. 这个已经过季了。

  25) Why not try our buffer dinner? 要不要试试我们的自主晚餐呢?

  26) The beef barbecue is terrific! 牛肉烧烤可是棒极了。

  27) If you are in a hurry, I would recommend... 如果您赶时间,我推荐您......

  28) Which brand of milk/beer/cigarettes/wine/... would you prefer?您喜欢什么牌子的牛奶/啤酒/香烟/葡萄酒/......?

  29) It will stimulate the appetite. 它会刺激你的胃口。

  2. 确认细节

  1) Are you on a special diet? 您对饮食有什么特别的要求吗?

  2) Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?是不是把费用计到您酒店的账上?

  3) How would you like you egg/coffee/steak?您喜欢我们怎样做您点的鸡蛋/咖啡/牛扒?

  4) Would you like your fried eggs sunny-side up? 您点的煎蛋是不是只煎一面,蛋黄朝上?

  5) Would you like your beer draught or bottled? 您喜欢扎啤还是瓶装啤酒?

  6) This wine is only served by the bottle. How about ...? It's served by the glass.这种酒我们只按瓶出售。......怎么样?我们可以按杯出售。

  7) With ice or without ice, sir?先生,请问是否要加冰吗?

  3. 日式餐厅推荐菜式

  1) What kind of food is the tempura? 甜不辣是什么样的菜?

  2) It's fish, pawns and assorted vegetables dipped in batter and then deep fried until crisp.那道菜用鱼、虾仁和各种蔬菜沾面糊,然后一直炸到松脆。

  3) It's very popular with both Japanese and foreign guests. 它很受日本人和外国人喜欢。

  4) The tempura dinner comes with sashimi. Will that be fine? 甜不辣晚餐加生鱼片,这样好不好?

  5) I would recommend the “Chawanmushi”/“Sukiyaki”.我建议您点一个蒸鸡蛋羹/日式火锅。

  6) It's an egg custard with chicken, shrimp and gingko nuts. 那是加鸡肉、小虾、杏仁蒸的蛋羹。


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