

新东方网整理2019-02-25 16:45

  718.Oh,you have broken the glass.噢,您把被子打破了。

  719.According to our hotel regulations,anyone who breaks a glass will have to pay it.根据酒店规定,损坏杯子需要照价赔偿。

  720.I will pay for it. How much do I owe you?我会赔的,多少钱?

  721.It is a hotel regulation,I do hope you understand.这是饭店的规定,希望您能理解。

  722.Can I have an extra bed?my son is coming today.我可以加张床吗?我儿子今天下午要来。

  723.I will give you a call after I contact the Front Office about the rollaway. 我与前厅部联系您家创的有关事宜后马上给你回电话。

  724.Can I have more clothes hangers?我可以多要几个挂衣架吗?

  725.Would it be possible to have a table in my room?我可以去房间里再要一张桌子吗?

  726.What else do you need ?您还需要些什么?

  727.We are very happy to have you,I do hope you are enjoying your stay with us.我们非常高兴您住在我们酒店,真心希望您在这里住的愉快。

  728.We will send the chairs up before the visitors come. 我们会在客人到来之前把椅子送上的。

  729.Our people will bring the chairs up shortly.我们会马上把椅子给您送上去的。

  730.When do you need it?您什么时间需要?

  731.I am sorry,it won’t be possible for today.对不起,今天是不可能的了。

  732.We do hope you enjoy your stay with us.我们真心希望您在这里与我们相处的愉快。

  733.According to the hotel’s regulation,the damage must be paid for. 根据饭店规定,损坏饭店物品要给予赔偿。

  734.The glass is broken due to my carelessness,I will pay for it.由于不小心,我打碎了这个杯子,我会赔偿的。

  735.You don’t have to pay for it.您不必付钱了。

  736.I notice that the piece of glass on the top of the table is broken. Do you know how it happened?我发现桌上一块玻璃破了,您知道是怎么回事吗?

  737.I am sorry,I broke it carelessly last night when I was taking some medicine. 对不起,我做完吃药时不小心打碎了。

  738.According to the hotel’s regulation,all damages must be paid for.按照饭店规定,损坏物品应该赔偿。

  739.Shall I pay for it know?我现在就要付钱吗?

  740.No it is not necessary. I will add it to your bill. 现在不必了,我可以给您加到房费中去。

  741.I am afraid I spilt ink all over the tablecloth.我不小心把墨水渐到你们的桌布上了。

  742.Shall pay for it?我需要赔偿吗?

  743.No,it is not necessary,the hotel will take care of it.不需要,饭店会自己解决的。

  744.Can I have a rollway bed in my room?my friend is here tonight.我房间可以加床吗?我朋友今晚在这里住。

  745.I am sorry,I can’t do this without authority from the Front Office.对不起,不经前厅部授权我无权这样做。

  746.How about getting me an extra blanket and two pillows?我想多要一床毛毯和两个枕头可以吗?

  747.Yes,I will bring it to your soon.好的,我马上送来。

  748.Good morning,Lost and Found Department, can I help you?早上好,失物招领处,有什么需要帮忙?


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