

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-27 11:54


  (Q:服务员 A:顾客)

  Q: Have you got a table for two, please

  A: Certainly, sir. I'll show you to your table.

  Q: May I have a reservation for ten for tonight, please

  A: I'm sorry,sir. The restaurant is fully booked.

  Q: 您预定了吗

  A: Have you made a reservation

  Q: 您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区

  A: Would you like smoking or non-smoking area


  A: Would you like something to drink

  Q: 您现在可以点餐吗

  A: May I take your order now

  Q: 请坐,给您菜单,先生.

  A: Sit down, please. Here is the menu, sir.

  Q: 您想吃什么菜

  A: What kind of foods would you like to have

  Q: 您用餐前要喝什么吗

  A: What would you like to drink before your meal

  Q: 您要喝咖啡还是茶

  A: What would you like to have, coffee or tea

  Q: Could I have the bill, please

  A: Certainly, sir. Wait a moment, please.

  Q: 请问您怎样付款

  A:How would you like to pay

  Q: 这是您的账单,请您在这里签名.

  A: Here is the bill. Please sign your name here.

  Q: 餐厅招牌菜式是什麽

  A: What is the specialty of the house

  Q: 今天餐厅有什么特餐吗

  A: What do you have for today's special

  Q: 餐厅是否有供应素食餐

  A: Do you have vegetarian dishes

  Q: Could you tell me where I could wash my hands

  A: Go straight ahead. Turn left.

  Q: I'd like a glass of water, please.

  A: Certainly, sir. I'll bring it right away.

  Q: 请给我一瓶矿泉水.

  A: May I have a bottle of mineral water

  Q: My steak is overdone. It's too tough.

  A: I'm terribly sorry to hear that.

  Q: 甜点有那几种

  A: What do you have for dessert


  A: May I have some cheese

  Q: 可以给我一点蕃茄酱吗

  A: May I have some ketchup, please

  Q: 可不可以不要甜点改要水果

  A: Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert

  Q: I would like to have your special beefsteak.

  A:How do you like your beefsteak, sir

  G:Medium well, please.

  Q: How would you like your eggs

  A: A fried egg,sunny-side up.

  Q: Could you tell me the Service hours of restaurant


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