

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-27 11:19

  Good evening,sir.Welcome to the Sunshine Hohel. 晚上好先生。欢迎来到阳光旅店

  Thank you. 谢谢

  How many pieces of luggage do you have? 你有多少行李?

  Just these three. 只有这三件

  Two suitcases and one bag.Is that right? 两个手提箱和一个包对吧?

  Yes.That's all. 对,这是所有的。

  I'll show you to the Front Desk.This way,please.I will put your bags by the post over there. 我将带您到前台,这边请。我会提出那边您的行李。

  I see,thanks. 哦,谢谢

  A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking in. 服务生将在您办完入住手续后将您带到房间

  OK. 好的

  I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 我希望你能享受在这里逗留的时光。


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