

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  748.Good morning,Lost and Found Department, can I help you?早上好,失物招领处,有什么需要帮忙?

  749.Excuse me,but can you tell me where you left your bag?对不起,但请您告诉我您的皮包以往在哪里了?

  750.Could you tell me the contents of the briefcase?请您告诉我您公文包内的物品是什么好吗?

  751.Could you tell me the color of your suitcase,please?请您告诉我您皮箱的颜色好吗?

  752.Could you please tell me when you lost your camera?请您告诉我您什么时间丢了相机?

  753.I think the briefcase belongs to you. 是的,我想这个公文包是属于您的。

  754.Could you check the contents?请您核对一下物品好吗?

  755.Are you happy with the contents in the briefcase?您对公文包的东西还满意吧?

  756.Is there any way I could reward the taxi driver?有什么办法可以让我酬谢一下那个出租车司机?

  757.Before you leave,may I have your signature here,please?在您走之前,请在这里签一下名好吗?

  758.If you will wait a moment,I will find out from the lost and found department to see if they have got it.


  759.Sorry to have kept you waiting,actually,you are lucky,someone found your necklace in the corridor this morning.


  760.It could be the one you lost. It has been sent to the housekeeping office.有可能那就是您丢的东西,已经被送到客房办公室去了。

  761.The lost and found department is on the 3rd floor. could you please proceed upstairs?失物招领处在3楼,请您从这上楼好吗?

  762.We have your home address,we will send your camera to you as soon as we found it. 我们有您的家庭住址,我们一找到您的照相机就会给你寄回去。

  763.Thank you for what you have done for us. 谢谢你为我们所作的一切。

  764.Your bracelet will be taken to the post office and sent registered mail。C.O.D. 您的手镯将拿到邮局寄挂号信,货到付款。


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