

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  805.Good morning,Housekeeping,may I help you?早上好,客房部,我可以帮您吗?

  806.Yes,I’d like to know about your laundry service hours.是的,我想了解你们的洗衣服务时间。

  807.If your laundry is received before 10am,we will deliver it to your room by 4pm the same day.


  808.If we receive your laundry before 3pm,we will get it back to you by noon the next day.


  809.The laundry rate chart is contained in the stationery folder in your dresser’s drawer,sir.洗衣价目表放在您梳妆台抽屉的文具夹里,先生。

  810.Would you please send someone to room 502 to pick up some laundry for me?您可以派人到502房间来取一下我的送洗衣服吗?

  811.Yes,sir. The roommaid will be there in a few minutes.好的,先生,服务员过几分钟就到您的房间来。

  812.I have some shirts to be washed. 我有一些衣服要洗。

  813.When do you need them,sir?您什么时候需要取回,先生?

  814.Will tomorrow morning be all right?明天早上送给您行吗?

  815.That’ll be fine,but I have a suit that I would like pressed before 7 this evening.


  816.I am sorry. It won’t be possible for this evening 对不起,今晚恐怕不行。

  817.Housekeeping,may I come in?… can I help you?客房服务,我可以进来吗?……有什么可以帮您?

  818.Could you fill out the laundry form,please?请您填一下这张洗衣单,好吗?

  819.The laundry form is in the drawer of the writing desk.洗衣单放在写字台的抽屉里。

  820.Do you want these shirts starched,sir?您想要这些衬衣上浆吗,先生?

  821.I’d like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water,it might shrink otherwise.


  822.By hand in cold water,I understand.用冷水手洗,我明白了。

  823.Could you send someone to pick up my laundry,please?您能派人来取一下我的送洗衣服吗?

  824.Certainly,madam. But I’m afraid it’s too late for today’s laundry. We can deliver it tomorrow around 4pm.


  825.May I know your room number,please?请告诉我您的房号,好吗?

  826.Could you leave your laundry on the bed,if you are going out,sir?如果您要外出,先生,请您把送洗的衣服放在床上好吗?

  827.I’d like this garment dry-cleaned,please.我想把这件衣服干洗一下。

  828.We don’t have the facilities and we cannot take responsibility for any damage. 我们没有这方面的设施,而且我们对任何损坏不负责任。

  829.I’m sorry,but we don’t have the special equipment necessary.对不起,我们没有这种必备的特殊洗衣设备。

  830.I’m sorry we couldn’t help you,madam.非常抱歉,我们帮不了您。

  831.Do you have a mending service for clothes?你们有织补衣服服务吗?

  832.I’m sorry,sir. We can mend a seam but not a hole.对不起先生,我们可以补裂缝,但不能补洞。

  833.There is a stain on this jacket,I’d like it removed before it’s dry-cleaned.这件夹克上有污迹,我想在干洗前先去掉它。

  834.What kind of stain is it,sir?是哪种污迹,先生?

  835.I spilled some sauce on it.我把酱油洒在上面了。

  836.We will do our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.我们将尽力去掉这块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉。

  837.For laundry service,please dial 101 and you will get the housekeeping.需要洗衣时,请拨101,那是客房部。

  838.The laundry forms and bags are in the top of the right-handed drawer of the writing table.洗衣单和洗衣袋放在写字台右手的第一个抽屉里。

  839.Is this for washing,madam?女士,这是要洗的衣服吗?

  840.Is this for dry-cleaned,sir?先生,这衣服要干洗吗?

  841.We have a special 4-hour laundry service. 我们有4小时特别洗衣服务。

  842.If you are a hurry,we have a two-hour quick service.如果您很急,我们有2个小时加急服务。

  843.We deliver your laundry within 4 hours at 50% extra charge.我们在4小时之内将衣服送给您,并加收50%费用。

  844.There is an extra charge of 50% for quick service. 快洗服务要额外加收50%费用。

  845.I’m sorry,but we don’t have the special equipment necessary. 对不起,我们没有所需的特种设备。

  846.I’m afraid we couldn’t remove the stain.恐怕我们无法擦掉这块污点。

  847.We can only do simple mending.我们只能做简单织补。

  848.We will refund the cost of the laundry and the new sweater.我们将退还您洗衣服的费用和毛衣钱。

  849.We are very sorry for the inconvenience.给您带来不便,非常抱歉。

  850.If you have some laundry to be washed,just leave it in the laundry bag. the laundry bag is hung behind the bathroom door.


  851.I’d like to have my overcoat dry-cleaned,my shirt and pyjamas laundered and my suit pressed.


  852.I’m in a hurry,I have to wear it tomorrow morning.这件衣服要快件,明天早上我要穿。

  853.You can get your laundry back earlier,but there is an extra charge for quick service.衣服可以早些时间送回,但您要付额外的加急费。

  854.The collar of this woolen sweater isn’t clean,please ask them to re-wash it. 这件羊毛衫领口没洗干净,请再洗一遍。

  855.Sorry,the cuff of your shirt was damaged when we pressed it. We’ll pay for it.对不起,这件衬衫的袖子烫坏了,我们会赔您的。

  856.We apologize for having trouble you so much.抱歉,我们给您添了许多麻烦。

  857.Please fill out this pressing form and I will call the laundry to get it for you.请填写这张烫衣表格,我会叫洗衣服务来收取的。

  858.Do you have anything to be cleaned?您有衣服要洗吗?

  859.Yes,I have two pairs of trousers and some other things to be washed and ironed.有的,这两条裤子要洗,还有一些要烫。

  860.When do you need them back?is it in a hurry?您想什么时候返回?要快洗吗?

  861.When can I get the laundry back?什么时候可以送回我的衣服?

  862.Here is the money we found in the pocket of your pants.这是我们在您交洗的裤子口袋里发现的钱。

  863.This coat is not mine,and there is one shirt missing.这件衣服不是我的,我还缺一件衬衣。

  864.I’m sorry for this inconvenient. We will handle it soon. 给您带来不便真抱歉,我们会马上处理。

  865.There is a hole in this coat,please mend it for me.衣服上有一个洞,请代为织补一下。

  866.I don’t think it will look nice after mending,because the hole is too big.这个洞比较大,织补后不一定能恢复原样。

  867.Your coat has been mended,is it all right?您的衣服已织补好了,您看是否满意?

  868.It’s very well done,indeed,thank you.织补得很好,谢谢。

  869.There is a button missing on my coat,can you sew on a button for me?我掉了一个扣子,你能帮我配一个吗?

  870.It’s difficult to get a same one,I’m afraid.配一样得,恐怕有点难。


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