

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  517.Did you enjoy your meal?你吃的满意吗?

  518.May I take this way?我可以撤掉这个吗?

  519.May I make out the bill for you now?现在可以为您结帐吗?

  520.Here is the dish you ordered,and you another sweet and sour pork is coming soon. 这是您点的菜,您点的另一道餐咕噜牛肉马上就会送上来。

  521.I’m afraid there is a mistake,I ordered a sweet and sour garoupa. 恐怕 您搞错了,我点的是咕噜羊肉。

  522.I will check,I am afraid there is no mistake,this is the dish you ordered. 我来查一查,恐怕我们没有搞错,这道菜是您点的。

  523.I don’t think I want it. May I change it?我不要这道菜了,可以换吗?

  524.Is my order coming pretty soon?I’ve been waiting for a long time. 我点的菜是不是马上就会上来?我已经等了很久了。

  525.Oh,that takes quite a while to prepare. 哦,这道菜需要一段时间才能做好。

  526.I have appointment at noon. Could you tell the cooks to hurry?我中午有一个约会,你能告诉厨师稍快点好吗?


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