

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  661.Housekeeping,may I come in?客房服务,我可以进来吗?

  662.I’m sorry to disturb you,sir.对不起,打扰您了,先生。

  663.May we clean your room now,sir?先生,我们可以现在打扫您的房间吗?

  664.Well,I’m a bit tied up at the moment. 哦,我现在正忙着呢。

  665.What time would you like us to come back?您希望我什么时候再来?

  666.Shall I come back later,sir?先生,我过会再来好吗?

  667.We will come and clean your room immediately.我们马上就来打扫您的房间

  668.Your room will be ready in half an hour.您的房间过半小时就会打扫干净。

  669.I’m afraid no cleaning can be done between 12noon and 2pm. May we come between 2pm and 3pm?


  670.It’s already noon,and our room hasn’t been made up yet.已经快到中午了,我的房间还没打扫。

  671.Just let us know what you need,and if we can,we will oblige.如果您需要什么,就告诉我们,只要是做得到的,我们都会尽力为您效劳。

  672.Turn-down service,may I com in?good evening,sir. 开夜床服务,我可以进来吗?晚上好,先生。

  673.Please put out a “Do Not Disturb ”sign on the door if you need to rest in the room,and the roommaids won’t knock on the door again.


  674.Excuse me,sir,but I haven’t finished cleaning your room,shall I continue?对不起,先生,我可以继续清扫您的房间吗?

  675.I’m very tired,how long will it take you to finish your room?我很累了,还需要多长时间你才能结束?

  676.Would you please come back later?I will go out 5pm.你能否过会再来,我下午5点要出去。

  677.May I come in for turn down service?我可以进房间为您开夜床吗?

  678.Oh,we are expecting a few people for drinks before going to dinner. Could you come back later?


  679.Certainly,would it be convenient if I return in half an hour?当然可以,如您认为方便,我半小时后再来,可以吗?

  680.Excuse me,it’s almost afternoon, but my room hasn’t been made up yet,why?对不起,都快下午了,为什么我的房间还没有打扫?

  681.I’m sorry,I’m going to your room as soon as I have finished this one. 对不起,我结束这间房后立即为您打扫。

  682.Can you clean up my room earlier everyday?以后能不能早点打扫我的房间?

  683.Certainly,sir. I will clean up your room earlier tomorrow. 当然可以,先生,明天我将早点为您打扫房间。


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