

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  273.International hotel. May I help you?国际大酒店,我可以帮您吗?

  274.I’m putting you through,sir. I’m sorry,there’s no answer. Would you like to leave a message or to call back?我给您接过去,先生。对不起,没有人听电话,您是留言还是再打过来?

  275.Hold on,please. I’ll put you through to the information?请别挂,我帮你转到前台问询。

  276.I’m sorry,sir. But the manager’s line is busy. I’ll call you back when it is free. 对不起,先生。经理电话占线,线路通时我给您打过来。

  277.I’ve got the manager’s office for you,sir. The line is free.我已帮您接通了经理办公室电话,先生。电话占线了。

  278.This is the operator,may I help you?这是总机,我可以帮您吗?

  279.We have a computer wake-up service,please dial 5 first and then the wake-up time. 我们有电脑叫醒服务,请先拨5,然后拨叫醒时间。

  280.Our computer will record the time and your room number. 电脑将记录下您的叫醒时间和房号。

  281.Excuse me for asking but which country are you calling?对不起,请问您要往哪个国家打电话?

  282.Which country are you calling,please?请问您要哪个国家?

  283.Which city,please?do you know the city area code?请问时哪个城市?您知道区号吗?

  284.May I have the number,please?请问电话号码是多少?

  285.Could you please tell me the telephone number?请您告诉我电话号码。

  286.Could you please tell me the party’s full name and telephone number,please?请告诉我您要通话的对方的全名和号码,好吗?

  287.What’s your name and room number,please? 请问您的姓名和房号?

  288.Could you repeat the number,please?请您重复一下电话号码,好吗?

  289.Would you like a pay call or a collect call,madam?女士,您是要拨直接付款电话还是要对方付款电话?

  290.How would you like to make the call,madam?女士,您希望怎样付款?

  291.Would you like me to place the call for you?您要我帮您接通电话吗?

  292.May I remind you there is still a handling charge?我还要提醒您一下,另外还有手续费。

  293.I’m sorry,madam. I’m afraid the credit card can not be used. 女士,对不起,恐怕您不能使用信用卡。

  294.Just a moment,please. I’ll put you through. 请稍等,我给您接过去。

  295.May I know who is calling,please?我可以问是谁在讲话吗?

  296.I’ll switch you to room 333#. 我马上为您接333号房。

  297.I’ll connect you to Mr. Smith’s room right away. 我马上为您接Smith先生房间。

  298.Please hold the line a moment,I’m putting you through to his office. 请不要放电话,我这就给您接待他办公室去。

  299.You’re through,sir. 先生,给您接通了。

  300.I’m sorry,the line is busy. Would you like to hold on or call back?对不起,占线。您是等一会,还是过会再打过来?

  301.Would you like me to page him?您需要我为您呼叫一下吗?

  302.Sir,there is no answer. Would you like to leave a message?先生,没有人接电话,您是不是要留言?

  303.I’m afraid I cannot transfer calls from the house phone. Could you dial the number directly,please?抱歉,我这里无法为您转电话,请您直接拨那个电话号码,好吗?

  304.I’ll transfer your call. Could you hold the line,please?我这就把您的电话转过去。请不要放电话,好吗?

  305.May I tell him who is calling,please?请问我可以告诉他是谁打的电话吗?

  306.Shall I ask him to return your call?我请他给您回电话,好吗?

  307.Shall I ask him to telephone you?and your telephone number,please?我让他给您打电话,好吗?请问您的电话号码?

  308.Would you care to wait a moment and call back later?请您稍等一会再打过来好吗?

  309.I’ll pass the message to him. 我回向他转达这个意思的。

  310.May I be of any assistance to you?我能帮您做些什么吗?

  311.For room-to-room calls,please dial 6 first and then the room number. 打房间之间电话,请先拨6再拨房号。

  312.For outside calls,please dial 9 first and then your desired telephone number. 拨打外线电话,请先拨9然后拨您要拨的电话号码。

  313.For domestic long distance calls,please dial 9 first then the area code and your desired telephone number. 打国内长途电话,请先拨9,再拨区号和您想要的电话号码。

  314.You may have a long distance call directly from your room,sir. It is cheaper than booking it through the operator. 先生,您可以直接在房间打长途电话,这样比通过接线员要便宜些。

  315.For international direct dial,please I before the country code and then the area code and the telephone number. 拨打国际长途,请先拨1,然后拨国家代码、城市代码和电话号码。

  316.I’m afraid all calls to abroad must go through the operator. 抱歉,恐怕所有的国籍长途电话都要通过接线员。

  317.Could you hang up please and we’ll call you back?请您先挂上电话,好吗?我们会给您打过来的。

  318.I have a collect call from Mr. Smith in New York. Will you accept the charges?这里有一个要求您支付话款的电话,是Smith先生从纽约打来的,您准备制服这笔电话费吗?

  319.A three-minute station call is ¥10 on weekdays and ¥5 on Sundays,for each additional minute,the charge is ¥2.7. 平时站与站之间的长途电话头三分钟是10元,星期日是5元,三分钟以后每分钟收费2.7元。

  320.A three-minute person-to-person call is ¥15 on weekdays and ¥6 on weekend. 平时人与人间的长途电话是前三分钟15元,周六、周日6元。

  321.For long distance calls,we have special night rates from 9pm to 7am in the next morning. 对长途电话我们实行夜间特别收费价格,执行时间时从晚上9点到次日早上7点。

  322.If you make a station call,the phone company will start charging as soon as anyone picks up the phone,perhaps not the party you are calling. 打站与站间电话,只要对方拿起电话,电信局将开始计费,或许有时接听电话的人不是您想要找的人。


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