

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  432.Good afternoon,sir. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?下午好先生,欢迎光临我们餐厅,请问您有预订吗?

  433.How many people are there in your party?你们一共几个人?

  434.Would you please come with me?请您跟我来,好吗?

  435.Please step this way. 这边请。

  436.Will this table be all right?这张桌子可以吗?

  437.Would you like to sit near the windows?您是否喜欢靠窗坐?

  438.Where would you like to sit?您希望坐在哪?

  439.You can sit where you like. 您可以随便坐。

  440.I’m sorry,that table is already reserved.对不起,那张桌子已经预订出去了。

  441.Your table is ready now,sir. Thank you for waiting.先生,您的桌子已准备好了,谢谢您久等了。

  442.We can seat your party now,sorry to have kept you waiting. 我们现在可以安排你们就座了,对不起让你们久等了。

  443.Here’s the menu. 这是菜单。

  444.I’m sorry,the restaurant is full now. We can seat you in 20 minutes. 对不起,现在餐厅已做满,20分钟候我们可以安排您入座。

  445.You can wait in the bar if you like and we’ll call you when we have a table.如果您愿意,可以在酒吧等一等,我们有了桌子会去请你的。

  446.I’m sorry,there isn’t a table right now. there will be a wait of about 20 minutes. May I have your name,please?对不起,现在没有空桌了,恐怕要请您等20分钟,请问您姓名?

  447.Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?we’ll accommodate your party as soon as possible.您是否愿意边等边在休息处喝喝饮料?我们会尽快安排你们入座。

  448.Please wait a moment,I’ll arrange it for you. 请稍等,我马上给您安排。

  449.Please wait a moment,your table will be ready right away. 请稍等,您的桌子马上就会准备好。

  450.Excuse me,would you share the table with that lady?对不起,您与那位小姐合用一张台好吗?

  451.Would you like to try today’s specials?请尝尝今天的特色菜好吗?

  452.Please wait a minute,I’ll arrange it for you. 请稍等,我马上为您安排。

  453.Please look at the menu first. Would you like try today’s special?请先看看菜单,您想尝尝今天的特色菜吗?

  454.Excuse me,may I take your order now?对不起,现在可以点菜了吗?

  455.Would you like some dessert?您喜欢吃点甜点吗?

  456.Sorry,it takes some time for this dish,could you wait a bit longer?真对不起,这道菜需要一些时间,您能多等一会吗?

  457.I’m sorry,there aren’t any more tables. I can seat you if you don’t mind sharing a table with that lady.真抱歉,现在已没有多的桌子了,如果您不介意,我可以安排您与那位女士公用一张桌子。


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