

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  170.May I have your name and room and room number,please?请问您的姓名和房号。

  171.Just a moment,please. I’ll check our room available for the next three days. 请稍等,我查一下后三天的各房可出租情况.

  172.Thank you for waiting,sir. I’m afraid our hotel is fully booked for the next week. 让您久等了,先生,谢谢。恐怕下周我们饭店的客房都订满了。

  173.But we may have cancellations,could you check with us at 8:00pm this evening. 但我们可能取消预订的客房,您今晚8点再与我们核对一下好吗?

  174.I’m sorry,but we are expecting several tour groups to arrive today,we are booked solid. 对不起,今天我们将有几个旅行团队到达,我们的房间已全部订满。

  175.Shall I contact another hotel for you?让我帮您联系另一家饭店,好吗?

  176.Could I keep the room this afternoon?My fight doesn’t leave until 6:15pm,and I don’t want to wait around at the airport all day.


  177.If we weren’t so heavily booked,we could let you stay in the room free of charge. 假如我们的客房没有订满的话,我们可以让您免费住半天。

  178.If you really want to keep your room this afternoon,we’ll have to charge you 50% of the price. 如果您真想保留房间到今天下午,我们得加收您半天房费。

  179.Never mind,then. You can keep your luggage at the Bell Service until 5:00pm free of charge. 不要紧,您可以免费将您的行李寄存在行礼部到下午5点。

  180.I’m afraid that air conditioner in your room needs repairing. We would like to request you to change your room. 恐怕您房间的空调需要维修,我们想请您换一下房间。

  181.What time is the most convenient for you to change your room,sir?… sorry for the inconvenience. 对您来说什么换房最方便,先生?…… 给您带来不便真抱歉。

  182.We could move your luggage to the new room while you are out,but could you take any valuables with you?在您外出期间,我们可以帮您把行李搬至新房间内,不过您要事先把贵重物品带走。

  183.You may pick up your new room key 502# from the Reception Counter when you return. 您回来时可以在接待台领您新房间502号的钥匙。

  184.Could you leave your former room key at the Front Desk when you go out,please?您外出时请把您原房间钥匙放在总台好吗?

  185.Thank you very much indeed,sir. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you have a nice day. 真的非常谢谢您,先生。给您带来不便真抱歉,希望您愉快。

  186.We’ll extend the reservation for you.我们可以为您延长预订。

  187.We’ll make the room change for you.我们可以给您换个房间。

  188.You may keep the room till 3:00pm,if you wish.如果您愿意,可以将房间保留到下午3:00。

  189.How many nights do you wish to extend?你希望延长住店几个晚上?

  190.How much longer would you like to stay?您想再住多久?

  191.The hotel is full and there will be someone taking your room. We’ll keep your luggage if you like.


  192.I’m afraid you’ll have to vacate your room by 11am,I must apologize for the inconvenience. 非常抱歉,恐怕要请您在商务11点前搬出房间了。给您带来不便,我表示歉意。

  193.Your room has been booked for tomorrow. Would you mind changing a room?您的房间明晚已预订给别人了。请您换一个房间,好吗?

  194.A:Excuse me,where can I send a cable?


  B: Walk straight ahead,there is a post office on the right.



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