

新东方网编辑整理2019-02-25 11:22

  391.Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?请您为我顶一张到巴黎的机票,好吗?

  392.Yes, madam. When do you intend to leave Beijing?好的,太太,您想什么时候离开北京?

  393.Next Monday,May 15th. 下周一,5月15日。

  394.There are several flights to Paris available on May 15th. 5月15日有几个航班到巴黎?

  395.Which fight do you prefer?您想要哪一个航班?

  396.Afternoon flights preferably.最好是下午的航班。

  397.Yes,madam. there are two flights available that day:one at 4pm,the other one at 9pm. 好的,太太,那天下午有两个航班,一个是下午4点,另一个是下午9点。

  398.Fine,I’d like the 4pm one.好的,我想要下午4点的航班。

  399.4pm,fine,I’ll fix your ticket, madam. Please wait a little moment. 下午4点,好的,我来准备您的机票,太太,请您稍等一下。

  400.What time do I check-in at the airport?我应该几点钟到机场办理登机手续?

  401.You must be there by 3pm.您必须在下午3点前到那里。

  402.What time does the train reach Shanghai?这趟火车什么时候到达上海?

  403.What time is the next train to Shanghai,please?请问下班去上海的火车几点开?

  404.Do I need to change train?我还需要转火车吗?

  405.No,this train will take you straight to Shanghai. 不用,这车直达上海。

  406.I want to fly to Guangzhou on the first November. 我想11月1日飞广州。

  407.I want to go economy,and I’d prefer a morning flight. 我想买经济舱的票,另外我喜欢早上的飞机。

  408.I’d like to book a flight to Beijing for Monday,the tenth.我想订一张10号星期一飞往北京的机票。

  409.What flights are there from Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow?明天从北京到上海有几趟班机?

  410.If you are ok at the airport,you must be there 2 hours before the departure. 如果保险些,必须在飞机起飞前2小时到达机场。


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