
英文每个月份的来历:关于“三月”的传说 你知道多少?

Dictionary.com2019-07-25 14:06

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  Where did the name March come from?


  The name March is derived from the Latin word Martius (named after Mars, the Roman god of war). Martius was the name of the first month in the Roman calendar. It is one of the only months named after a god.

  March一词来源于拉丁词Martius,以罗马战争之神玛尔斯(Mars)命名。 Martius曾是罗马历法中的第一个月份,也是以众神命名的月份之一。

  While many have adopted the Gregorian calendar (The Roman ruler, Numa Pompilius, added January and February to the calendar thus making March the third month of the year), some cultures and religions still celebrate the start of the New Year on March 1st.


  Is there a connection between the month and the word marching?


  In ancient Rome, it’s believed that March 1 marked the first day of spring, which coincided with the start of the military campaign season. This may explain why soldiers “march into battle.”


  What does the phrase mad as a March hare mean?


  Hares (big rabbits) mate during the month of March, and a female hare may be seen “boxing” off a male to prevent an act of procreation, hence mad as a March hare—a phrase that appeared for the first time in Sir Thomas More’s The supplycacyon of soulys, published in 1529.


  Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, also referenced this annual event in 1865’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (often shortened to Alice in Wonderland) in the passage: “The March hare … as this is May, it won’t be raving mad—at least not so mad as it was in March.”

  查尔斯·路特维奇·道奇森,化名刘易斯·卡罗尔,他在自己1865年的作品《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/Alice in Wonderland)中也引述了野兔的这一年度活动:“三月兔……现在是五月份,它大概也不会疯疯癫癫的——至少不会三月份那样。”

  What is the Ides of March?


  The Ides of March is a reference to the date Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in 44BC and is observed on the 15th day of the month.



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