

沪江2019-12-20 11:38

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  There are many theories as to why Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. Aside from that whole horror movie thing, there are some old reasons why thisday has inspired so many superstitions.


  Can you honestly say that you’ve never felt a slight pang of concern when waking up on the morning of Friday the 13th?


  You’re not alone. Maybe it’s “triskaidekaphobia”, the fear of the number 13, that gets you down. But, if 13s don’t bother you unless it’s Friday, you might be susceptible to what’s sometimes known as “paraskevidekatriaphobia” or “friggatriskaidekaphobia”, instead. Whether you plan on purposely walking under ladders with black cats this Friday or staying tucked in bed, it’s worth diving into why Friday the 13th has a bit of a reputation.


  Why do people fear the number 13?


  First, let’s get into 13. While many cultures have an issue with the odd number, there’s no one set of circumstances that would make it decidedly unlucky.


  Common theories behind the fear of 13 include:


  1. Viking lore,where the unsavory Loki is believed to be the 13th god in the Norse pantheon.


  2. a biblical reference to the 13 people reportedly sitting at the table for Jesus’s last supper.


  3. numerology,where 13 is in low regard because it follows 12,a very “complete” number.


  But, if you ask an architect why they omitted the 13th floor from a high-rise, they probably won’t bother citing a source for their superstition.


  Why is Friday the 13th unlucky?


  Friday was named for one of two Norse goddesses, Freya or Frigga. While exclaiming “TGIF” is common now, some traditions consider “Frigga’s Day” to be unlucky. That’s not the only theory as to why Friday the 13th is unlucky though. Some Christians believe that Christ was crucified on a Friday. Friday was also once known as “hangman’s day” in ancient Rome and Britain because it was usually the day that condemned people would be hanged.

  星期五是以两个北欧女神其中的一位的名字Freya或Frigga来命名的。虽然现在“TGIF”(Thank God It's Friday: 感谢上帝今天已是星期五)很常见,但一些传统观念认为“Frigga’s Day”是不吉利的。但这并不是唯一一个解释为什么13号的星期五不吉利的理论。一些基督徒认为耶稣是在星期五被钉死在十字架上的。在古罗马和英国,星期五也曾被称为“刽子手的节日”,因为这一天通常是有罪之人被处以绞刑的日子。

  It’s likely that these two sets of unlucky lists just add up to make Friday and thirteen an intense combination for superstition. And of course, if you’re expecting unlucky things to happen, you might even change your habits on days like this. Multiple studies speculate that businesses lose millions of dollars in revenue each Friday the 13th because some people avoid regular behaviors like traveling or making investments.



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