新东方网整理2020-02-24 09:48
今天是农历二月二,是“龙抬头”(Dragon Head-raising Day)的日子,又被称为"春耕节"、"农事节"、"春龙节",是中国民间传统节日。“龙”是指二十八宿中的东方苍龙七宿星象,每到仲春卯月之初,“龙角星”就从东方地平线上升起,故称“龙抬头”。
There is a widely known idiomatic phrase which goes, "On the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the dragon raises his head" (二月二,龙抬头).
In China,the dragon, besides for its connotations for good luck and supreme power, is also the god managing weather and water.
So Dragon Head-raising Day is about honoring the Chinese dragon and praying for good weather in spring, the key time for plowing the fields.
Since it's a folk taboo in traditional Chinese culture to have haircut in Zheng Yue, the first lunar month, Dragon Head-raising Day is the first time in the new year to have a haircut.
在二月二, 很多传统的中式美食都会用“龙”字重新命名,增添喜气。举些例子,如水饺会叫做“龙耳”;馄饨叫做"龙眼”;面条叫做“龙须”;春卷叫做“龙鳞”;爆米花叫做“龙子”。
Food eaten on this day also gets a lucky name. Dumplings are called "dragon's ears (long er)." Wontons are "dragon's eyes (long yan)." Noodles are called “dragon's beard (long xu).” Spring Rolls are dragon's scales (long lin), and popcorn is called dragon seeds (long zi).
在小编的家乡,二月二还有吃炒各类豆子(eating stir-fried beans of various kinds )的食俗。