3月减肥季:减肥塑形 10个实用瑜伽小动作
沪江2015-03-16 11:53
Most people imagine that yoga is something gentle and mindful, not a form of exercise that will help shed excess pounds. But it’s also a fantastic way to get, and keep, the body you want.
This classic flowing sequence of postures is at the heart of modern yoga and can be a complete practice in itself or a preparation for a longer routine.
I would recommend doing this sequence at least five times a day if weight is an issue. But even if you only do two sequences a day, you’re doing your figure a massive favour.
There are small variations in the way yogis do this sequence, but the most important thing is the synchronisation of the motion of your breath with the movement of your body. Basically, all upward movements are coupled with inhalation, and downward movements with exhalation.