

21英语2015-11-20 11:42


  They say beauty and comfort rarely go hand in hand. To getone, you normally have to sacrifice the other. But blanketscarves defy this logic. They allow you to wrap yourself upduring cold weather while still oozing style.


  The only problem is that blanket scarves are larger than average scarves, which means you’ll haveto deal with a lot more fabric without looking overwhelmed. The key is to wear a blanket scarf ascasually as possible.


  “Many women struggle with getting a scarf to look right. However, this trend is all about it lookingcarefree,” wrote Bridgette Raes, an American style expert, on About.com.


  1. Drape it across your shoulders or belt it up


  Nothing looks more effortless than simply draping a scarf over your shoulders. While you can dothis with many types of scarf, the large size of a blanket scarf has the advantage of doubling as alight coat for chilly weather.


  If you don’t like how your blanket scarf moves on a windy day, tie it up with a belt around yourwaist. This way, it almost looks like you’re wearing a vest or a poncho.


  Tip: Wear it with black


  A blanket scarf can take quite a large area of the upper part of your body. Wearing too manycolors will make your outfit look busy. Bright colors can also make it harder for your scarf to standout.


  “The key is to let the scarf shine and be the focal point of the outfit,” Melanie Morais, a Canadianstyle blogger, wrote on Edmonton Journal. She also added that it’s important to “keep allaccessories to a minimum”.

  加拿大时尚博主梅勒妮•莫雷斯在《埃德蒙顿日报》上写道:“关键是突出围巾,让它成为整套搭配的最大亮点。” 她还补充道,务必不能让配饰喧宾夺主。

  2. Wrap it around your neck as many times as you can


  Wearing multiple layers has always been the opposite of looking sleek. So the more layers you pileon, the more casual you’ll appear to be. Blanket scarves can help you achieve this laidback look.


  “I like to do this because it’s so simple,” American fashion stylist Sally Lyndley told Fashionistamagazine. “[I’ll wrap it] three or four times around my neck and then tie in the front, just oneknot.” She recommends that you buy a long scarf – at least the length of your wingspan – domake sure it goes around enough times.


  Tip: Create a lean silhouette


  If you sport multiple layers, you can risk looking sloppy. If you drape your scarf as an extra layer,pair it with something less baggy – such as a shaped blazer or fitted sweater.


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