组图:长发新玩法 美女变身胡子小姐
镜报2015-12-14 11:04Kirstie McCrum
Women alone have childbirth, men alone have beards - or at least, they did, until this hilarious facial hair war began.
Women are donning beards in a new androgynous trend that's gripped social media.
But if you're thinking of sprouting your own facial fuzz ladies , you should know that the 'ladybeard' trend is all about using the hair you've already got.
From Reddit to Instagram to Twitter, social media is aflame with women using their lustrous locks to fashion a beard and moustache combo that many blokes - and Vikings - would covet.
从Reddit网站到 Instagram到推特,女性将她们富有关泽的秀发华丽转变成时尚的胡须和八字小胡子的照片走红各大社交媒体。布洛克人(blokes)和维京人(Vikings)绝对会超喜欢这些胡子的。
And it all seems to have stemmed from a Reddit post from seven months ago which now has more than 100,000 views.
The post, shared by naughtynoivern shows the wondrous, luscious beards which ladies would wear, could they grow beards?
Then Imgur poster morihime said she was driven by a desire to " try something different with my hair ".
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