2016新年新开始 17件小事轻松get更好的生活
The Huffington Post2016-02-14 14:28
Have you been stuck in a rut lately, feeling like genuine happiness is virtually impossible to obtain? Whatever trials you are facing at this very moment will surely pass. Happiness is right before our eyes. Here are 17 simple ways to seek out happiness in your every day lives, and how I managed to keep my sanity during a period of turmoil:
1. Get outside.
1. 出去看看
It has been scientifically proven that being outdoors helps alleviate feelings of sadness and depression. Sit for a while and pay close attention to your surroundings; I guarantee you'll soon be reminded of the beauty of life.
2. Forgive and forget.
2. 原谅、释怀
Holding grudges serves absolutely no purpose in life. We've all been bruised before, some worse than others, but no matter the situation, you will always be better off leaving it in the past. If not for their sake, forgive them for your own.
3. Take up yoga.
3. 练习瑜伽
Not only is this a great workout, but it is a great method of relaxation. Learning to take slow, deep breaths is not just good for your physical health, but mental, as well.
4. Reach out to loved ones.
4. 联系你爱的人
Tell your friends and family that you love them. Life is incredibly precious and as cliche as it sounds, we never know when our time on Earth is going to end. Shoot them a text and ask them how they're doing. Let your loved ones know that you care, even if it's been a while.
5. Find your passion.
5. 发掘你的激情
Whether it's writing, drawing, playing sports, or learning to play an instrument, find something that makes you feel alive.
6. Stop eating junk food.
6. 停止吃垃圾食品
Do you have any idea what you are actually putting into your body? They make healthy frozen dinners that you can throw in a microwave and have ready in less than ten minutes. You really have no excuse not to take care of yourself.
7. Volunteer.
7. 做志愿者
Kindness never goes out of style, and that is a fact. Making others smile can go a long way for your own sense of happiness and fulfillment.
8. Wake up early
8. 早起
Use your time wisely and plan your day accordingly. I especially struggle with this one, but one thing I've noticed is that the earlier I wake up, the more I get done.
9. Surround yourself with positive people.
9. 多和积极向上的人打交道
Your vibe attracts your tribe. If you make a point to surround yourself with kind, caring, and goal-oriented people, these qualities are bound to rub off on you.
10. Stop caring what others think.
10. 不要在意他人的看法
You might think people are watching and judging your every move, but in all honesty, they probably care less than you think. So you shouldn't care either.