互联网2016-02-24 15:15
What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will beuseful for the rest of my life?
How to buy strawberries...
Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they willtaste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.
Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you're smelling the strawberries,let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.
When a kid, table manners always confused me. Which hand to use for what whileeating. Then, this simple hack helped.
Left (4 letters) hand for 4 lettered things – fork
Right (5 letters) hand for 5 lettered things - spoon, knife, glass
How to Fall Asleep Faster: I hate it when I am lying in the bed, trying to sleep. It used to takeme too much time to get to sleep. I searched internet for few tricks to fall asleep faster. The nexttime you are lying awake in bed Unable to sleep, you can trick yourself to sleep by trying thesenatural tips:
Try to stay awake: Challenge yourself to stay awake – your mind will rebel! It's called the sleepparadox.
Keep your eyes wide open, repeat to yourself 'I will not sleep'. The brain doesn't process negativeswell, so interprets this as an instruction to sleep and eye muscles tire quickly as sleep creeps up.
Rewind your day: Remembering the mundane detail in reverse order clears your mind ofworries. Recall conversations, sights and sounds as you go. It helps you to reach a mental statethat's ready for sleep.
Roll your eyes: Close your eyes and roll the balls up 3-5 times can do the job. It simulates whatyou do naturally when you fall asleep and may help trigger the release of your sleepy hormone,melatonin.
【key point】
melatonin n. 褪黑激素;N-乙酰-5-甲氧基色胺