家庭小妙招:强力去污 各种污渍都搞定
buzzfeed2016-08-10 14:35
1. Spray your sweaty clothes with lemon juice and water before you wash them to reduce potential sweat marks and discoloration.
2. Get a stuck zipper unstuck by rubbing some crayon on both sides of the zipper.
3. Rethread a hoodie string that's gone rogue by stapling the string to a straw and pulling it through.
4. Or attach a safety pin to the end of a rogue drawstring to push it back in place.
5. To prevent an angora sweater from shedding all over the damn place, place it in a plastic bag and store it in the freezer for three hours.
6. You probably already know how great clear nail polish is at stopping runs in tights, but it's also great at preventing loose buttons from falling off. Just slather a tiny amount on your loose button threads.
7. If you need to quickly repair a flip flop, drop a tiny bit of water in some super glue. It'll help the glue dry more quickly.
8. Baby powder works wonders at getting oil stains out of your clothes.
9. Shaving cream works great to remove makeup from your collar.
10. To get out annoying ink stains, spray hairspray or hand sanitizer on the spot and then wait 10 minutes.
11. The most tried and true ways to get red wine out of a shirt are to apply salt or club soda to the spot.
12. Stop smelly shoes by placing dry tea bags inside them.