

爱语吧2016-11-29 11:23


  There are two types of people in this world: those who regularly wash their office coffee mug, and those who only take it off their desk to cover up the crusted coffee stain at the bottom with a fresh pour, chasing away their shame with the reasoning that the heat must kill the germs or something.


  Depending on which type of person you are, this will be either mildly annoying or more-than-mildly exciting: As Heidi Mitchell wrote in a recentWall Street Journal column, it’s fine to never wash your mug, as long as you’re not sharing it with anybody else. Better than fine, in fact: It may actually be the most sanitary option.

  如果你是第一种人,下面的内容可能会令你有些不适;如果你是第二种人的话,恭喜,你可以窃喜了:Heidi Mitchell在《华尔街日报》的专栏里写道,只要不与其他人共用一个杯子,从来不洗咖啡杯也是可以的。不仅如此,实际上:这可能是最最卫生的做法了。

  There are two caveats to that statement, infectious-disease expert Jeffrey Starke, a pediatrics professor at Baylor College of Medicine, told Mitchell: One, it only applies if you’re not sharing the mug with anybody else. And two, “if you leave cream or sugar in your mug over the weekend, that can certainly cause mold to grow” — in which case, wash it out.

  贝勒医学院的小儿科教授、传染病专家Starke Jeffrey表示,关于以上说法,有两个需要注意的地方。他对Heidi Mitchell说道:第一,这只在不与其他人共用一个杯子的情况下才能成立。第二,如果你在杯子里留下了奶油或糖,周末过后,里面很可能会发霉,这时就需要清洗了。

  Otherwise, though, there’s not really much to worry about: “If I went and cultured the average unwashed coffee cup, of course I’m going to find germs,” Starke said. “But remember the vast majority came from the person who used the cup.” Even if you drink from it while sick, it’s pretty hard to re-infect yourself with the same mug; most viruses don’t live long outside the body.


  Which means that just letting your mug live in its own filth may be a safer bet than the alternative: scrubbing it with the disgusting communal sponge in the office kitchen. “The sponge in the break room probably has the highest bacteria count of anything in the office,” Starke said. If the idea ofnot washing horrifies you, just stick the sponge in the microwave before using. Otherwise, though, feel free to continue your lazy ways without guilt.




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