爱语吧2017-03-09 15:44
When you’re successful, dieting can seem well worth the effort. It feels oh-so-good to slip into those jeans you packed away and take in the attention that suddenly comes your way. The real test is when everyone gets used to your new slimmer self and the compliments fade away. When life returns to normal and you’ve had a stressful day at work, it can be all too easy to restart old habits. Unfortunately, most of these fads simply don’t work.
But long-term dieting and weight loss is possible. The question is, how do you go from lasting a few days to lasting a lifetime? These tips will help you find success.
Make sure you’re ready for change
1. 确保你已经做好改变的准备
Of course you want to lose weight, but are you ready to? Losing weight takes time, effort, and sacrifice. You’re going to have to say no when you want to say yes. You’re going to feel uncomfortable when everyone digs into the bread bowl and you have to sip water and pretend you don’t care. The question is: Is weight loss worth it? If you’re ready to give up in order to regain control of your body, then (and only then) should you begin a long-term diet.
2. Remember, it’s a lifestyle
2. 记得减肥是一种生活方式
You may naively think when your weight reaches that magic number, you can return to your old habits and still maintain your new figure. Guess again. After you reach your weight loss goal, you may relax a bit too much, and before you know it, your weight has rebounded and all that effort you put in is lost. When you’ve discovered healthy eating and exercise habits that work for you, you’ll naturally want to continue them. These habits should be the type that you can continue for the rest of your life. With that in mind, be careful what diet plan you initially choose as it will be part of your new, everyday lifestyle.
你可能会天真地以为,当你的体重达到那个神奇数字时,你可以既保持身材还回到你原有的生活模式。再想想吧! 当你达到减肥目标后,你可能会放松一点点,在你知道之前,你的体重反弹,你投入的一切努力都白费了。当你发现一个适合你的健康饮食和锻炼习惯时,自然你会想继续保持。这些习惯你应该在你以后的生活中继续坚持。记住这一点,要慎重选择你当初的饮食计划,因为它将成为你新的日常生活方式的一部分。
3. Have a solid exercise routine
3. 保持日常运动
In addition to eating well, having a regular exercise routine will help shave off unwanted fat and keep your body toned and lean. The experts at Bodybuilding.com suggest incorporating weight training three to four times a week. The other two or three days, alternate in some high-intensity cardio. High-intensity interval training workouts are a great way to burn fat and increase your metabolic rate, and they pair well with weight training.
除了吃得好,有一个常规的锻炼习惯将有助于你甩掉多余的脂肪,保持身材。健美网站的的一个专家建议每周加重训练三到四次。 其余的两三天,做一些高强度的心脏交替运动。 高强度间歇训练是燃烧脂肪和促进新陈代谢的一个有效方式,它们与重量训练相匹配。
4. Keep track
4. 记录跟踪
If you aren’t keeping track of everything you eat, chances are likely you’re consuming more food than you need to lose weight. Use a calorie counting mobile app like LoseIt! or the Weight Watchers point system to stay in control of what you eat. FitBits or journaling have a similar effect. If you’re not into the effort it takes to constantly track your daily habits, weigh yourself regularly to keep an eye on your body’s reaction to a new diet and fitness plan.
如果你不跟踪记录你吃的东西,有可能你消耗了比你减肥需要更多的食物。 使用像“LoseIt!”这样的卡路里计数移动应用程序或重量监视器系统来控制你吃什么。 “FitBits”或日志具有类似的作用。不断跟踪你的日常生活习惯,定期称称体重,来看看你的身体对新饮食和健身计划作何反应。
5.Be prepared
5. 做好准备
Every dieter faces challenging situations. There will be moments when sticking to your diet feels plain torturous. Prepare for these events in advance. If you know cheesecake (your favorite) will be served at your co-workers goodbye party, make sure you have eaten a healthy snack before you show up so you aren’t starving.
每个饮食者都会面临着一些挑战时刻。有时会觉得坚持你的饮食有点“变态”。所以,提前对这些情况有个心理准备。 如果你知道你最爱的芝士蛋糕会出现在你同事的送别会上时,请确保你出席前已经吃了你的健康食物,这样你就不会感到馋了。
If that isn’t enough, pack yourself a healthy treat to enjoy once you’ve resisted temptation. Planning out a strategy for those difficult situations is vital to maintaining a new diet plan.