

新浪教育2017-11-08 14:38

  希望与恐惧”的研究中心研究了全世界6个不同城市公立学校幼儿园四年级的课表——结果大吃一惊!原来世界各地10岁小孩的学习经历大相径庭! “希望与恐惧”研究中心研究了美国纽约、英国伦敦、日本东京、中国香港、南非约翰内斯堡和俄罗斯莫斯科10岁小孩都在干吗,想知道?一起来看看吧!



  In London, New York, and Johannasburg students are expected to understand how to solve basic equations, add, subtract, multiply, divide, and understand three dimensional objects。 Schools in Moscow have integrated computer science into elementary school experiences to keep students ahead of the curve, Japanese students in Tokyo are learning to measure angles, and in Hong Kong 10-year-olds are starting to understand linear equations。


  2.Reading And Writing


  Reading and writing curriculums vary widely in the six different represented countries, unlike math curriculums which aren‘t drastically different。 In New York and Hong Kong, students are learning to read and write within themed language arts classes like and learning to identify with and understand characters。 In London, there’s more emphasis on technical aspects like vocabulary, grammar, and developing cursive。




  Science curriculums in most of these cities mostly boil down to basic biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and astrology。 10-year-olds in Johannesburg also learn the importance of recycling for the environment and students in London begin to learn about basic anatomy and physiology。


  4.Other Important Topics


  Each country has important side topics emphasized in their curriculums。 In the United States, it‘s instilling curiosity in students about current events and how to understand them。 In Tokyo, there’s an emphasis on foreign language, while London‘s emphasis is Geography。 While Hong Kong doesn’t focus on a brand new topic per se, Chinese curriculums tend to emphasis homework intensely and teach students why its so important for homework to be integrated with schoolwork。

  每个国家在其课表中都设有重要的副学科。在美国,着重培养学 生对时事的好奇心,教他们怎样去认清这些事。在东京,主要偏重外语,而伦敦则偏重地理。可是香港并不会每个学期都将注意力放在一个全新的课程本身,中国的 课程表尤其注重家庭作业,并且教学生了解为何将家庭作业与学校作业相结合十分重要。



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