

赫芬顿邮报2017-12-12 14:59

  Only about 8 percent of Americans doze off in their birthday suits, but many more should consider going to bed in the buff. In addition to not having to launder any jammies or crank up the A/C, there are some major, healthy benefits to snoozing au naturel:


  You’ll sleep better.

  1. 你的睡眠质量会更好。

  The body is wired to drop its temperature during shut-eye, and the process is necessary for quality sleep. Fuzzy pajamas can keep the body too warm, preventing you from achieving an optimal temperature. This can lead to tossing, turning and restlessness. Your skin works naturally with the rest of the body to cool down so you can drift off, and cozy clothes just make it harder for the body to do its job.


  The skin-to-skin contact will relax you.

  2. 亲昵的接触将放松你的身心。

  If you share a bed with your partner, the two of you can benefit from resting unrobed. Skin-to-skin contact can lower your blood pressure, decrease stress levels and really just make you happier.


  You might even fall harder for your partner.

  3. 你也许会更爱你的伴侣。

  A 2014 poll that surveyed about 1,000 married British people found that naked sleepers were most content in their relationships. Fifty-seven percent of people who sleep naked reported feeling happy in their relationships, while only 48 percent who sleep in standard PJs reported the same. Just 15 percent of those who sleep in onesies said they were satisfied with their partner. Moral of this story? Burn your onesies.


  Naked sleeping might also lead to having sex more often, which is great for your relationship, your immune system and your sleep quality.


  You’ll get the chance to air out.


  Sleeping in underpants creates a warm, moist environment for bacteria and yeast to thrive. Snoozing in your birthday suit reduces the risk for yeast infections, among other ailments.


  Yes, sleeping naked is the new black. Just make sure to keep a robe nearby, because being caught naked on the street in the case of a late-night fire alarm isn’t totally en vogue.




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