沪江2018-05-22 10:37
Your brain doesn't work as well 脑子变得不好使
According to the CDC, insufficient sleep is a public health problem, with more than a third of adults in the U.S. getting less than the recommended seven to eight hours per night.
When you don't get adequate sleep—whether due to a chronic issue like sleep apnea, lifestyle reasons like long work hours or raising young children, or bad habits like bingeing on Facebook before bed—it takes a toll on your brain's ability to function.
"MRI imaging shows lack of sleep reduces blood flow to areas of the brain that control higher level thought processes," says Richard Shane, PhD, a behavioral sleep specialist. "
“磁共振成像显示,睡眠不足会导致流入大脑高级控制负责思考区域的血液减少。”睡眠行为专家Richard Shane博士如是说。
It impairs your problem-solving abilities, slows your cognitive speed, and decreases constructive thinking skills and logical reasoning."
You become forgetful 变得健忘
Another effect of sleep deprivation is an inability to retain memories. "Insufficient sleep interferes with your ability to focus and learn efficiently, which is essential for you to remember something," Dr. Shane says.
"Research shows that sleep strengthens nerve connections involved in memory, and also helps consolidate new information into memories. Insufficient sleep interferes with this." Michael J. Breus, PhD, a clinical psychologist known as "The Sleep Doctor," explains that you need enough REM (rapid eye movement) sleep in order for your brain to solidify memories. "
“研究表明,睡眠能够强化神经之间的链接,这点和记忆相关,所以睡眠有助于强化记住新知识,所以睡眠不足就会记不住。被誉为“睡眠医生”的临床心理学家Michael J. Breus博士解释道,你需要睡眠过程中的快速动眼期来让你的大脑强化记忆。”
You get irritable 你会变得暴躁易怒
You've probably noticed that you wake up "on the wrong side of the bed" if you haven't gotten enough shut-eye. "Sleep deprivation affects mood," Breus says. "It makes you see everything in a more negative light because your emotions are far more volatile when sleep deprived."
Although it's not known exactly why this is, Shane says it's another way your brain doesn't function well without sleep. "The area of your brain [frontal lobe] that's in charge of thinking, reasoning, and logic usually balances the area of your brain [amygdala] involved with emotions such as fear, anxiety, aggression, and arousal," he says.
虽然还不能确切知道为什么会这样,, Shane说这就是没睡好你的大脑功能受损的另一种表现形式,你的大脑[前额叶]是负责思考,推理,和逻辑的区域,通常用来平衡用于产生害怕,紧张,激进和唤醒等情绪的大脑杏仁核区域。
"MRI brain scans on people who have not had enough sleep show a decrease in connection between these brain centers, which increases reactivity, fear, and anger." If you keep waking up in the middle night , your brain could be in big trouble.
You're more likely to be depressed 你很容易感到沮丧
Another mood disorder linked to lack of sleep is depression. "While the specific brain mechanisms are not known, in one major study people with chronic insomnia were ten times likely to develop depreesion," Dr. Shane says.
Sleep apnea, a breathing issue while sleeping, is also linked with depression—one study showed that people who were depressed were five times as likely to have the condition.