

fmprc.gov.cn2015-01-14 09:58

  A: China upholds the principle of non-interference in others' internal affairs and respectssovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We hope that all parties will hold dear the ceasefirethat is not easily achieved, keep calm, exercise restraint, properly resolve relevant differencesthrough dialogue and consultation and work in concert to push for the political settlement of thecrisis.


  Q: A devastating suicide bombing at Wagah near the Pakistani city of Lahore onNovember 2 killed over 60 people and injured more than 100. What is China's commenton that?


  A: We are shocked at the incident. The Chinese side opposes all forms of terrorism and stronglycondemns the aforementioned attack in Pakistan. We express deep condolences to the victimsand convey our sincere sympathy to the injured and the bereaved families. The Chinese side willalways stand firmly behind the Pakistani government and people in their persistent pursuit ofnational security and stability.


  Q: How will the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) proposed by China andthe New Development Bank of BRICS established in July coordinate and communicatewith each other? What significance do they hold to China's international strategy?


  A: 21 Asian countries including China signed a memorandum on establishing the AIIB on October24. The Chinese side proposes to establish the AIIB with the aim of fully leveraging the potential ofthe Asia-Pacific in infrastructure development and satisfying the enormous demands of relevantcountries in infrastructure investment and financing. We hope to see an early start and conclusionof negotiations on relevant regulations of the AIIB and the formulation of management rules withthe concerted efforts of all parties, so as to make the AIIB a professional and efficient platform forinfrastructure investment and financing that benefits all.


  The establishment of the New Development Bank of BRICS is to underpin the infrastructuredevelopment and sustainable development of BRICS countries and other developing countries.Running in parallel, the AIIB and existing multilateral development banks such as the NewDevelopment of BRICS can complement each other, boost the development of infrastructure andconnectivity of relevant countries and the region and instill lasting impetus to the long-termeconomic growth of the region.


  Q: Is there any particular reason that leads to China's recent adoption of the Anti-espionage Law?


  A: The question is not a diplomatic one. I would like to suggest that you read closely the speechrecently given by Chairman Zhang Dejiang on the deliberation and adoption of the Anti-espionageLaw by the 11th meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. It isan important measure taken by China for the all-round progress of governing the state inaccordance with law.


  Q: We have seen an increase of the illegal harvest of red coral by Chinese fishermen inthe Exclusive Economic Zone of Japan. The Japanese Coast Guard arrested someChinese fishermen. What is China's comment on that?


  A: The Chinese side always attaches importance to the protection of endangered marine livingresources. We ask the fishermen to carry out production and operation at sea in accordance withlaw. We prohibit the illegal harvest of red coral. Competent authorities of the Chinese side will keepenhancing supervision and law enforcement. We also hope that the Japanese side will deal withrelevant issues in a civil, sensible, law-abiding, just and proper way.


  (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China)

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