

fmprc.gov.cn2015-06-19 10:53


  First, global economic recovery hinges on international production capacity cooperation. Atpresent, the global economy is in a period of profound adjustment. To jumpstart the sluggisheconomy, countries need to promote structural reform and adjustment at home and step upcooperation internationally. We can create new growth drivers for global economy and nationaldevelopment if we succeed in international production capacity cooperation beginning in theinfrastructure sector. Developing countries need more infrastructure and developed ones alsoneed to upgrade their infrastructure, which requires various kinds of equipment, ranging fromengineering machinery, transport vehicles to metal processing, construction materials andmanufacturing facilities. China is in the position to provide cost-effective equipment in these areas.Strengthening infrastructure and production capacity cooperation will be an effective way forChina and Latin America to overcome the downward pressure, in the interest of rolling back tradeprotectionism, promoting world economic transformation and advancing peaceful development.


  Second, economic transformation and upgrading in China and Latin America requires support frombilateral production capacity cooperation. From a long-term point of view, Latin America should notlimit itself to being a “global supplier” of primary products, nor China being a “world factory” ofcheap products forever. The existing trade pattern characterized by exchange of generalmanufacturing items for energy and mineral products is not sustainable, as both sides need to gofor industrial upgrading, adjustment and transformation. If Latin America develops a resource-based processing industry, it will help change its single-product economy. And China has worked tobuild a strong equipment industry that competes internationally as the direction of its industrialupgrading. China buys quality industrial and agricultural products from Brazil, while Brazil importspower generation equipment, subway trains and other products from China. Such exchanges ofcompetitive products can lead to added value for their trade. China is ready to sign more FTAagreements with Latin American countries with a view to advancing trade liberalization andfacilitation and injecting fresh impetus into bilateral production capacity cooperation.


  Third, all-win outcome should be the booster to drive China-Latin America production capacitycooperation forward. Such cooperation aims not only to increase mutual benefit but to stay openand inclusive. Chinese companies are ready to join companies from developed countries inconducting trilateral cooperation in Latin America. In terms of technological sophistication andinternational division of labor, developed countries generally tend to be at the medium-to-higherend of the industrial chain while China and Latin America are generally at the medium-to-lower end.By working together, we can move our economies up the value chain, which is consistent with thelaw of industrial relocation. China’s equipment industry is strong in its integration capability that hasassimilated many advanced technologies from developed countries. Working together can help usscale new heights in our openness and cooperation.


  Fourth, delivering benefits of development to our people is the ultimate purpose of China-LatinAmerica production capacity cooperation. Chinese companies investing and operating in LatinAmerican countries must respect laws, regulations, cultures and customs of the land, create morejobs for local communities, pay adequate attention to environmental protection, do a good job inpersonnel training and technological transfer, and act enthusiastically to meet their socialresponsibilities. Chinese investment and financing is not attached with any political condition. Chinaand Latin America both stand opposed to such short-term behaviors as putting profits beforeprinciples and are both committed to inclusive growth.


  Here, I would like to propose a “3x3” model for China-Latin America production capacitycooperation:


  – Build three channels of logistics, electric power and IT in response to the needs of Latin Americancountries. Infrastructure connectivity in South America is a common goal of all Latin Americancountries. Chinese companies are ready to work with their counterparts in Latin America to jointlybuild a railway-based logistics channel that spans South America and the Caribbean, an electricpower transmission channel that connects all countries and regions in Latin America complete withefficient power transmission and smart grid technologies, and an IT channel backed by Internettechnologies, new-generation mobile communications technologies and integrated big data andcloud computing.


  – Put in place a new model of cooperation consistent with market economy laws featuring soundinteractions among the three actors of company, society and the government. As China and LatinAmerica all practise market economy, their production capacity cooperation should be market-oriented. Companies of the two sides can carry out project cooperation by way of joint venture,PPP and franchising while following the principle of “company-led, commercially-based operation,public participation and government support” to implement the relevant projects in an expeditiousway. China will encourage its companies to localize their operation and to heed the opinions of thelocal trade unions and communities. Governments of the two sides need to speed up theirconclusion of an investment treaty, update their agreement on avoidance of double taxation,improve service efficiency, bring down business cost and create an enabling business environmentfor companies.


  – Expand three financing channels of funds, credit and insurance in support of bilateral cooperationprojects. I wish to announce here that China will set up a special fund for China-Latin Americaproduction capacity cooperation complete with US$30 billion in support of relevant projects. Chinais ready to set up a financial leasing company to help meet the equipment needs of Latin Americasuch as large oil tankers, liquefied natural gas carriers and off-shore oil rigs. China will also improveits mid-to-long-term export credit insurance mechanism to help Chinese companies doing exportbusiness in Latin America. China is ready to expand cooperation with Latin American countries inthe areas of currency swap and local currency settlement so as to promote the development ofthe real economy and jointly maintain the stability of regional and global financial markets.


  Ladies and Gentlemen,


  This morning, President Rousseff and I had a productive meeting, during which we had an in-depthdiscussion and reached broad consensus on China-Brazil cooperation in all areas, and signed orwitnessed the signing of a number of cooperation agreements. Today’s business summit has beena great success, evidenced by the strong turnout of entrepreneurs from both sides and the fruitfulresults it has achieved. I wish to express my sincere congratulations on that.


  As a Latin American proverb goes, “When people join hands, they will be invincible.” We also havean old Chinese saying that goes, “People of one mind can remove Mount Tai.” As two giants onthe shores of the Pacific and Atlantic, China and Brazil can accomplish anything and overcome anydifficulty, as long as they go forward hand in hand with one heart and one mind. I hope ourentrepreneurs from both sides will display the best of their talent, seize the opportunities to takeour all-round cooperation to a new high and keep on working hard for the development of therespective countries and regions, thus ushering in a better future of China-Latin America friendship.


  Thank you.

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