

英文巴士2016-07-27 11:39


  4. On trade and investment. Trade can play an enhanced role in creating jobs, sustaining economic growth and prosperity. We call upon members to keep RTAs transparent, inclusive and open to participation by others. They should ensure that their RTAs are not only consistent with WTO rules, but also help to strengthen the overall trading system. The multilateral trading system should maintain its role as the main channel for trade liberalization and facilitation, with the WTO promoting coherence across the global system.


  We welcome the success of the WTO Bali and Nairobi Ministerial Conferences and urge rapid implementation of the outcomes, in particular the Trade Facilitation Agreement and the elimination of agricultural export subsidies. We strongly support advancing post-Nairobi negotiations on remaining Doha issues, with development at its centre and in a spirit of solidarity and mutual trust. We encourage WTO Members to explore new issues where further cooperation could contribute substantially to global trade and prosperity, including those brought by changing business models and technical development.


  We welcome continuous progress made by G20 in trade and investment areas, including stronger functions of G20 in coordinating trade and investment policy. We also welcome the first release of World Trade Outlook Index by the WTO at the G20 Trade Ministers Meeting, as well as the monitoring reports by WTO, OECD and UNCTAD on trade and investment measures taken by the G20 members. We note with concern that trade-restrictive measures continue to rise in the context of global trade slowdown and urge to step up vigilance against protectionism.


  5. On labour and employment. The current global outlook for jobs is mixed with slower growth leading to weaker prospects for employment and wages in many countries. Rising inequality and the risk of setbacks to the global drive to reduce poverty, make policy initiatives to increase opportunities for decent work a priority. Labour market developments were more positive in China and some other large economies than the rest of the world. Structural changes in employment continued and could accelerate as a result of technological innovation, increased interdependence and the need for environmental protection. Policies that promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth play a vital role in managing adjustment and will remain key drivers in mitigating adverse and maximizing positive effects of labour market changes. The prominence accorded to decent work and inclusive growth in the 2030 Agenda means the multilateral system must further strengthen the coherence of its policies for jobs and growth to reach Sustainable Development Goals.


  China’s economic growth has now entered the phase of “New Normal”, and needs to address the structural mismatches in employment. Upholding the conviction that employment is the foundation of the livelihoods of the people, the Government of China is implementing the Employment First Strategy and more active employment policy, forging ahead with continuous reforms to streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services, and promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation. The Government is also working hard to develop vocational education and training and improve the social protection system. Along with sustaining a medium-high growth rate and upgrading the economy to the medium- and high-end in China, the Government has created more jobs, and improved job structure. Together with its social partners, the Government of China has made positive contributions to international labour governance and the south-south cooperation of the ILO. The Government stands ready to strengthen cooperation with the international community including the ILO, and will play an even bigger role in realizing inclusive growth and decent work for all.


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