
名人访谈录:李易峰 不“峰”魔不成活

21英语2015-02-06 11:44

  But gradually, the novice actor started to realize the joy of taking on a diverse variety of roles. Hisacting skills aren’t the best, as he has never received any professional training. But he earnestlystudied every character and put his own spin on them when he portrayed them. For the cold anddistant Baili Tusu, he watched videos of the game and tried to imitate the swordsman to make himmore human.


  In eight years in showbiz, Li has gone through numerous ups and downs. He’s experiencedhundreds of crazy girls waiting at the airport for hours to see him for five minutes, and he’s failed todraw an audience during a free concert on Hunan TV.


  Even at his low point, Li always had faith in himself. In an interview with Sina Entertainment, Lirevealed he’s kind of a narcissist. “The universe has told me that I am sure to succeed. If you don’tbelieve in yourself then nobody will believe in you.”


  When the editor from Men’s Uno asked him to give three wishes for 2015, he listed: travel andhave his new role Wu Xie in The Lost Tomb well received by fans, but left the third open. “I’m quitesatisfied with what I have got now and don’t want to be avaricious.”


  Dare to dream big and also enjoy life, that’s Li’s attitude and what fans admire him for.


  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. make much of a splash 引起轰动,大的反响

  2. novice n. 初学者,新手

  3. portrayed v. 画像( portray的过去式和过去分词 ),描述

  4. ups and downs 起起伏伏,人生浮沉

  5. narcissist n. 自我陶醉者

  6. avaricious adj. 贪婪的,贪得无厌的

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