
《超能陆战队》暖男"大白" 十大萌点 你也想要一个吗?

21英语2015-03-05 13:58

  6. Baymax Gets "Drunk" When His Battery is Low 电量不足时就会“醉”

  One of the funniest scenes in Big Hero 6 is when Hiro has to sneak Baymax back into Aunt Cass'house. The robot's battery is low and Hiro gets a taste of Baymax the drunkard as the big guydeflates and has trouble walking and talking.


  5. He Can Repair Himself 自我修复只需透明胶带

  As a robot, Baymax feels no pain, obviously, so he carries some of the same qualities as his othermovie robot ancestors. Like The Terminator, Baymax can fix himself if need be. All he needs issome Scotch Tape.


  4. He's Not Fast 行动缓慢

  The most hilarious thing about Baymax may be his dainty little footsteps. Equipped with a fat bodyand tiny legs, the inflatable hero readily admits, "I am not fast." But that doesn't stop him fromheading out into the world.

  大白最搞笑的地方莫过于他“小巧”的步伐。胖胖的身体搭配一双小短腿,就连这只充气机器人自己也得承认 “行动缓慢”。不过,这步伐丝毫不妨碍他席卷全球的速度。

  3. He's Highly Huggable 看着就想抱抱

  Baymax's "non-threatening huggable design" makes you want to squeeze the ever-living life out ofhim. He's the Pillsbury Dough Boy, the Michelin Man, and a giant teddy bear all rolled into one. Fredeven compares him to a "warm marshmallow."


  2. He Makes a Pretty Sweet Superhero 软萌的超级英雄

  After he gets "upgrades" compliments of Hiro, Baymax becomes a rocket-fueled fighting machinewho can soar above the city of San Fransokyo and take out any enemy. Hiro gives Baymax acarbon fiber suit of armor to protect his soft underbelly and creates an Iron Man-like power fist forhim that can be launched at evil targets.


  1. Baymax is Tadashi 哥哥泰迪的化身

  Hiro realizes halfway through Big Hero 6 that his brother, Tadashi, never intended Baymax to beused as a weapon of vengeance. Tadashi wanted to help a lot of people and Baymax was how hewould do it. The robot carries Tadashi's selfless personality and calming demeanor and throughhim, Hiro can still keep a little piece of his brother always.


  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. soft-spoken adj. 说话温和的,善于言辞的,细声细气

  2. morphing into 演变为,变成

  3. toolbox n. 工具箱

  4. defibrillators n. (电击)除颤器

  5. cuddle up v.蜷缩着,依偎着

  6. dainty adj. 精致的,娇俏的,(指人)品位高雅的

  7. fist n. 拳,拳头

  8. vengeance n. 报仇,复仇,报复

  9. demeanor n. <正>行为,举止,态度

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