沪江2015-04-27 15:59
Lumière (Ewan McGregor)
“烛台管家”鲁米埃(伊万·麦格雷戈 饰)
Why he’s perfect for the role: McGregor may be Scottish, not French, but really, who cares? He’s done the musical thing with his starring role in Moulin Rouge; just IMAGINE what he can do with “Be Our Guest.” Plus, he’s going to make a very handsomecandelabra!
为什么他是这个角色的不二人选:或许麦格雷戈是苏格兰人,不是法国人。不过说实话,谁在意啊?他在《红磨坊》里就演过玩音乐的角色;想象一下他唱《Be Our Guest》会是什么样子。另外,他演的烛台一定很帅。
Cogsworth (Sir Ian McKellen)
“闹钟大臣”葛士华(伊恩·麦克莱恩爵士 饰)
Why he’s perfect for the role: It’s Sir Ian McKellen. Need we say more?