

沪江2015-06-11 11:48



  In an era of binge-watching prestige dramas on tablets, the idea of cathode ray televisions feels awfully old-fashioned. However, it is likely that this old-fashioned technology is where the ‘Emmys’ got their name. Awarded for achievement in television by the American Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the Emmys are said to be an alteration of Immy, which is itself a shortening of the term image orthicon. Image orthicon refers to a type of television camera tube popular in the cathode ray television sets of the mid-20th century.

  在用平板电脑就可以大享电视剧盛宴的今天,阴极射线电视听起来就是个老古董。然而它却是艾美奖名字的来源。这个由美国电视艺术与科学学院颁发给电视剧界杰出贡献者的奖项,Emmy据说是由Immy演变过来的。Immy是image orthicon(影像正析管)的缩写,这是在19世纪中叶广为使用在电视机上的摄像管。


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