

人人美剧2015-06-15 09:36by Jessica Roy

  Game of Thrones |《权力的游戏》剧照

  1. We find out that Shireen didn't die after all: OK, yes, we saw her get burned at the stake. But! We didn't see a body. Remember in Season 1 when Daenerys threw herself on a blazing funeral pyre and walked out of it? What if Queen Selyse were part Targaryen and thus passed along the fireproof gene? Imagine the look on Melisandre's face. (Variation: Maybe greyscale protects from fire?)

  1. 希琳公主并没有死:好吧,我们确实是看到公主遭受焚如之祸,但是!我们并没有看到她的遗体呀!还记得第一季里丹妮莉丝走入卓戈的火葬台焚烧一夜却是毫发无损吗?万一塞丽丝王后是坦格利安的旁系刚好继承了防火血统呢?阔以想像一下届时梅丽珊卓的脸会有多绿吧~(又或者说不定灰鳞可以保护公主免受火焚?)


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