人人美剧2015-07-24 10:07Shelli Weinstein
—长城守望@长城守望 2015年7月22日
According to fan site Watchers on the Wall, Harington has also been declining fan requests for pictures, so he's either trying to (badly) keep a secret, or is suddenly camera-shy. We'd also like him to explain why he was seen strolling beside fellow Thrones co-star Ben Crompton, who plays Night's Watch brother Dolorous Edd. Maybe he just wants to visit friends on the set. Yeah, right.
根据粉丝社区“长城守望”的消息,哈灵顿还拒绝了粉丝的合影要求,要不就是不想透露消息,要不就是突然在镜头前腼腆了(怎么可能!)。最近发现他还常常与剧组中饰演守夜人兄弟艾迪的本·克朗普敦 厮混在一起,谁能解释解释这是怎么回事。万一他就是想去看看朋友呢。
Maisie Williams says Jon Snow is most definitely dead
Either the bastard survived or he'll come back from the dead -- either as a White Walker or by the Red God's interference. We're sticking by those theories, and if we're wrong, then we know nothing, Jon Snow.
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